Sometimes it’s all about getting Cosy

Teapot Cosy, that is!

Tea cosy for Aoife in violet and green

Earlier this month, while the ladies and I were out to lunch, “A” mentioned that she wanted to buy a teapot cosy – but that “J” talked her out of the purchase because it was too expensive – something like 30 Euros! In the process of the discussion, I said you know, for that, I could make you one – just give me the yarn. After some further discussion, a couple days later, I went and checked out patterns – and emailed a few to “A”. We both agreed on this one:

because it was fairly simple – but yet looked quite complex. I’ve never made a tea cosy before (in the USA we generally don’t have teapots quite like they do here in Ireland / UK where its actually a part of the culture) but I think it turned out quite fine – especially with my added touch of the flower. I made it out of scrap yarn that I had – a beautiful dark violet and pale green. What do you think? I’m thinking it looks a bit “basket” ish in these colors.

Tea cosy

On a side note – this pattern had two new stitches for me – the Spike Double Crochet (pictured below) and the reverse single crochet (which blew my mind until I looked it up on youtube!). I always like it when I can add new stitches to the ones I already know.

Tea cosy stitches close up

Otherwise, Just wanted to send a shout out to “H” who let me borrow her teapot for the model & size testing since I don’t have one.

Oh – and one more thing – In the US, we spell it COZY, but being that this is for an Irish teapot – it’s the British spelling all the way – COSY!


Mickey’s Dress

Mickey's Dress

Scott’s gonna kill me. I finally finished a baby dress that I was working on – too late for the baby shower, unfortunately. The result, however, is that the lovely Miss M’s teddy bear was going to get the dress (since I’m staying with Kate now that everything’s been sent off to Ireland). Miss M, however, decided that her bear was a “boy” and that it would be better looking on Mickey Mouse. (I didn’t have the heart to tell her that Mickey Mouse is a boy as well.)

The result? Mickey’s now wearing a dress, hand made by me, and originally intended for a colleague’s baby shower. More views/closeups below:

Mickey's Dress full view

Mickey's Dress Neckline Closeup

So, why will Scott kill me? Well, apparently because this was originally HIS Mickey Mouse. 😛 Transvestite Mouse anyone?


365 days of photos….1 year Free Flickr?

I saw a cool idea on flickr today about how you go through a year taking a picture a day of yourself (or some part of you in the picture). All pictures are made by you of you – and then shared.
I thought it was kind of a neat idea, and have been thinking of actually trying it myself. Here’s a link to the first group:
If not that idea, then there’s also another one called Project 365; which isn’t just self portraits, but a single photo a day that you took on that day. It’s more of a documentary type idea. Because this one is more all encompassing (and could include self portraits and non self portraits, I thought maybe this one was better suiting to the ideas I had.
What do you think? I already carry a camera every day – the only problem is I don’t always use it every day. In your opinion, which one would be easier to keep up with?
Also, as a challenge, do any one of you, my loyal friends want to join me on the experiment into a year of photography – every day? If so, I *might* be willing to buy a flickr subscription for the individual….(Hint Hint)