Mickey’s Dress

Mickey's Dress

Scott’s gonna kill me. I finally finished a baby dress that I was working on – too late for the baby shower, unfortunately. The result, however, is that the lovely Miss M’s teddy bear was going to get the dress (since I’m staying with Kate now that everything’s been sent off to Ireland). Miss M, however, decided that her bear was a “boy” and that it would be better looking on Mickey Mouse. (I didn’t have the heart to tell her that Mickey Mouse is a boy as well.)

The result? Mickey’s now wearing a dress, hand made by me, and originally intended for a colleague’s baby shower. More views/closeups below:

Mickey's Dress full view

Mickey's Dress Neckline Closeup

So, why will Scott kill me? Well, apparently because this was originally HIS Mickey Mouse. 😛 Transvestite Mouse anyone?
