More Berlin at Night

TV Tower, Reichstag, Brandenburg Gate
TV Tower, Reichstag, and Brandenburg Gate Lasers (with the Tiergarten being the trees to the right)

Since getting a new tripod, I have to say that I have enjoyed going out and getting more and more night photography. Yes, it comes in handy for other things too, but … it’s well worth the effort to go outside in the evening with the camera and the tripod and get some fantastic shots. Here’s a few from between the Berlin Main Train Station, along the river walk, and up to (but not including) Potsdamer Platz….

Main Train Station (HBF)
Berlin Hauptbahnhof (main train station)

Night Watch Griffon
Griffon on Nightwatch

Boat Along the Spree
Tourist boat along the Spree

Bundestag on the Spree side (parliment)

Kanzleramt (Chancellory?)

Tipi am Kanzleramt
Tipi (teepee) am Kanzleramt (it’s a tent where they do musical and other performances)

Last but not least, a couple in Black and white

remnants of a meal - litterbugs
Remnants of Litterbugs

Shadow walker
and a Shadow Walker

For more photography from this set, please see my flickr set here.

As always, if you enjoyed, please don’t forget to comment and let me know!

For more Berlin Night time Photography, please also see my post – Alexanderplatz at night.
