My Ambitious Project

I mentioned a few days ago that my friend Jules is having triplets. Well, as part of my shopping last Saturday, I went to the local woolen (yarn) shop and found some beautiful locally grown/spun baby yarn that I thought would be suitable for making 3 sets of baby gifts for my friend Jules. My hopes are that I will be able to make 3 sweaters, 3 hats, and 3 pairs of baby booties in the next couple of weeks – and have them done before the babies get here.

The colors I’ve chosen are violet, yellow, and a sort of grey petrol color to go along with another main color which is for the gender of the babies. None of these are what I would normally call “baby colors” despite the fact that they’re called baby yarn. They’re not pastels – by any chance of the imagination – which sort of amuses me. Mostly because in the US, for babies, we would always find the yarn in pastel baby pink/blue, pale (mint) green, pale (butter) yellow, light lavender, as well as white. Here the colors were the “trendier” ones, including fuscha pink, electric blue, black, petrol, bright violet, red, vivid sunshine yellow, turquoise, creme, taupe, and a few others that made it difficult to decide. In the end, I did choose colors that co-ordinated and we’ll see how the project goes.

At present, I’m thinking of modifying the following pattern – Baby Sleeper Set – for a baby “dress” that I’ve made several times – into a sort of genderless baby sweater to go over their clothes. I have made this baby pattern 3-4 times now (click here for a picture), and it crochets up relatively fast, and looks like it’ll be fairly easy to modify into a cardigan type top with ties. I think it’ll be cute with a little baby hat and booties – though I’m not sure I’ll do the booties that the pattern maker selected with the item – that’ll be based on now much yarn I have left.

Well, wish me luck, and we’ll see how it goes.


365 days of photos….1 year Free Flickr?

I saw a cool idea on flickr today about how you go through a year taking a picture a day of yourself (or some part of you in the picture). All pictures are made by you of you – and then shared.
I thought it was kind of a neat idea, and have been thinking of actually trying it myself. Here’s a link to the first group:
If not that idea, then there’s also another one called Project 365; which isn’t just self portraits, but a single photo a day that you took on that day. It’s more of a documentary type idea. Because this one is more all encompassing (and could include self portraits and non self portraits, I thought maybe this one was better suiting to the ideas I had.
What do you think? I already carry a camera every day – the only problem is I don’t always use it every day. In your opinion, which one would be easier to keep up with?
Also, as a challenge, do any one of you, my loyal friends want to join me on the experiment into a year of photography – every day? If so, I *might* be willing to buy a flickr subscription for the individual….(Hint Hint)