How to stay busy – after surgery

Last Friday, I had some minor surgery which left me off work for a week and a half. The surgery was preventative, and went fine. However, because it was in my stomach area, I couldn’t pick anything up or do anything strenuous for several days after it took place. The thing is that for those of you who know me, I can’t sit still and just do nothing. I have a bit of ADD, and have to constantly be doing something – or several something’s at one time. Knowing this, I’ve been trying to keep busy – and here’s how/ what I’ve been doing for the last 2 days (please feel free to laugh):



1) Listen to the radio, pet the dog, and read an entire book (all be it a crappy one) while sitting on the bed with the curtains open to the sunshine in the back yard.
2) Play Fable 2 (from middle to end) on the xbox360 in one entire day, while running a load of laundry and drinking tea.
3) Repeat to myself 500 times “I’m bored. Bored bored bored bored bored…”
4) Start Buffy the Vampire Slayer game, decide it’s lame and quit.
5) Continue playing The Beatles Rockband on the xbox. (I’m now 7 songs from the end)
6) Repeat to myself 500 times “I’m bored. Bored bored bored bored bored…”
7) Hang clothes up to dry while watching TV, fold clothes while watching Syfi channel on TV and taking a break from video games.
8 ) Get on the computer and process pictures, with History Channel on TV in the background.
9) Wish I could go outside for a while and work on my garden (too strenuous) where the tulips are just coming up
10) Repeat to myself 500 times “I’m bored. Bored bored bored bored bored…”
11) Peruse Facebook. Laugh at pictures and status updates.
12) Read a few blogs. Try to blog myself.
13) Repeat to myself 500 times “I’m bored. Bored bored bored bored bored…”
14) Play Farmville with “The Hunt for Red October” on in the background.
15) Process more pictures.
16) Repeat to myself 500 times “I’m bored. Bored bored bored bored bored…”
17) Read news websites, decide they’re too depressing. Try to think of something else to do.
18) Repeat to myself 500 times “I’m bored. Bored bored bored bored bored…”
19) Wander to kitchen, root in fridge. Nothing there I want. Hasn’t changed in the last 2 hours. Just in case…
20) Wander back to the couch, sit down, wonder how I’m going to keep myself occupied for the next 8 days…
21) Browse crochet patterns, trying to find something new to make to keep my hands busy. Inspiration alludes me… I have too much energy…
21) Repeat to myself 500 times “I’m bored. Bored bored bored bored bored…”

I think the worst part of this is that it’s such a nice sunny warm spring weekend and I’m not able to do anything for a bit. I just want to be outside, hiking, having a picnic, watching the dog play, and/or exploring Ireland. But, instead… “I’m bored. Bored bored bored bored bored…” and I won’t be able to drive for 6-8 weeks (The seat belt cuts across where they cut into me) and am stuck cooped up for a while. ARGH!! I’m bored. Bored bored bored bored bored…









PS. Did anyone else notice that Sean Connery has an annoying Scottish accent the ENTIRE of the Hunt for Red October (He’s the Russian Sub Commander)?
PSS. Apparently, Alec Baldwin, Sam Neil, and Tim Curry (Frank-n-furter himself) are in the movie too… all with these weird Brit accents on the Russian Sub. It’s nearly comical. Especially the scene where they’re all singing in Russian (off key, mis pronounced). Yah.. what were they thinking?!?
