Pergamon Museum from 3/26/09

(Old MySpace Import, so not all links may work!)

Ahh I’m so behind.  I had a week off on holidays – and still have
pictures from my birthday trip to process.  However, due to a request
from the photo group – I’m trying to get the ones from the photo group
processed and up first.   So, thus the reason for multiple back-dated
blog posts on the same day.  (no, it’s not your eyes – I really did
enter these in May… but out of my diary from April.)

start with Just after the birthday trip.  I got back home on March 18th
and started back to work.  The weekend after I got back, a friend of
mine, Tony was in town. No time off from life for me!  This always
results in alot of running around Berlin, dinners, and so on.  Anyhow,
as a team event, we went to the Pergamon Museum.  Most of the photos I
don’t like – but since he didn’t have a camera, I thought I’d take a
few just to try and show the size and scale of the place.

They’re up at on Flickr in My Pergamon Museum Set.

Just for the sheer size comparison, these are the ones I picked as “the
best”. Seriously – if you ever get to Berlin, this is one place you
just can’t miss because it is what it is – the rape of the treasures of
several countries, dismantled and rebuilt in a specially designed

Temple of Athena
Tony with the goddess Athena (greek)

Ishtar gate (babylon)
Tony – in front of the Ishtar Gate (of Babylon. Yes, this was an entire
dismantle and move into this specially built museum building. (Iraqi)

Temple of Pergamon

The Temple of Pergamon – (greek) yes, those are people on the steps,
and yes, again this was an entire dismantle and move into this
specially built museum building.

Roman Walls
3 story high outside of a Roman house – with tile mosiac (around which you have to walk) and speaking platform – below:

Roman Speaking Platform

Notice the mosiac at the bottom…of this picture.


A Few Photos From Feb…

(This is an old import from Myspace, so not all the links may work)

First off, I just want to wish everyone a very Happy Easter.  I know
it’s been a long time since I posted, but since February, I’ve been
running just like I do every year in the first 3-4 months.  It’s like
everything gets stored up for those first few months of the year and
almost every weekend has had something planned – from going out and
doing photography (pictures) with the photo group I’m helping organise
to seeing gallery exhibitions, to taking my birthday trip (more
pictures – this time of 3 countries), to having guests visit
(pictures), to taking another couple day trips (pictures).

In between all of this, the weather has warmed up, I’m biking to and from
work again and with the addition of the new “Teltow bypass” road, I’m
out walking the dog along an extended length of sidewalk that runs the
length of the town and all the way up to the Sbahn station (about 3km
or so from my house).  It also goes about another 2 km in the other
direction.  It’s nice to have when I’m walking / bike riding with the
dog – but the traffic on that street now is HELL.  Too many cars, no
stop lights/stop signs and well, I guess them’s the tradeoffs.

The result, in short, is that I have a backlog of almost 1000 pictures that
need processing, am still taking photos (Had a day trip on Friday to
Cottbus, and maybe one Tomorrow if the weather holds) and am buying
more SD cards to keep the new stuff on until I can get the old stuff

If it tells you how far behind I am, I just
finally got up all the stuff from February – Valentine’s Day!  Yep,
that means what – 2 months behind.  UGH!!

Let’s start with the Photo set from Tacheles.

Tacheles is a living art colony in the center of Berlin.  They’ve taken over a
huge former shopping complex (built around the end of the 1800’s/early
1900’s).  It was badly damaged in WW2, but what survives of it is now
used by artists to create artwork – and it’s got a few random
nightclubs.  It’s also covered in “moving” art – in that it’s
constantly being covered with graffiti and re-graffitied almost every
week.  Crazy I know, but it’s actually encouraged.  Here’s a few photos
from Valentine’s day around there:
Tacheles back
The Back side of Tacheles

Almost every surface is covered in grafiti….Some is worse (above) than Others (below

Pedro the Cat

Wistful Girl
Whistful Beanie Girl

Penguin's VW Van
Penguin’s VW Van

Among the squatters and other artists at Tacheles – this one was my favorite
to photograph – the guy who welded into sculptures pieces of scrap
metal.  Mostly because it was cool to photograph:

Robot Head B&W
Robot TV Alien guy

Metal Wagon Wheel
Metal Wagon Wheel

Flying (metal) Spaghetti Monster
The Flying (metal) Spaghetti Monster (chair)

From there, we went on to a Flash Mob at Alexanderplatz (photos here)
At 15:00 Sharp, about 3000 people froze in place – for 5 minutes.  This
is one of the busiest train stations in Berlin – and people are
constantly walking through here.  Getting between 3000 and 5000 people
in the freezing cold wind to pause for 5 minutes (with a beer bottle
sticking to their mouth, holding chalk while coloring on the cement, or
in my case, with a camera on, finger on the trigger facing the “moving
people coming in”) was no easy task.  Still, the results were
stunning.  I have some video that Scott took (not yet processed) but
here’s a few pictures:

Alexanderplatz Flash Mob Panorma (before)
The Panorama of the area – with people milling around before the event.

Scott Weiland look alike...Muppet hairNeighborly chat
Some of the variety of people who showed up (some with props like the brilliant hair and bikes); others just being themselves.

best, however, was being able to catch some of the expressions – the
girl “chalk drawing” is frozen – check out the kid trying to get her to
move -and the looks of the people going “what the heck” below (even the
dog was confused as to why we were being living statues!)


Nervous Laughter
Nervous Laughter

Confused Dog
Confused Dog

Like with all my posts, there’s plenty more up on my Flickr Site – and you can click the photos for larger sizes.

Until Next time, Enjoy!

** Remember, all photos on this page are copyright by me, and several do have prints for sale – Thanks!**


Interesting evening at the Movies

(This is a very old imported from my space blog.  Not all of the links may work.)

The other night, Scott and I decided to go see the movie Benjamin
Button.  Before the movie even got underway, it had started out to be a
strange evening. He was late, and I bought the tickets, finding
out that the ticket price had gone up by another 2 Euros.  It’s now
10.00 per ticket – for the cheap seats on Fridays.  OUCH.

he arrived, we went, got popcorn and a drink and headed into the
theater.  The advertisments commenced, and this is one of them that
came up on the screen – in German.  I’ve put up the english
translation, but it busted me up laughing as I realized this would
NEVER ever be played in the US.  Oh – and it’s much funnier in a
language you don’t understand…. Yet… scary too.

long after the commercials started, a cinema employee came down the
stairs and hooked up a microphone.  I didn’t think too much about it
because the Berlinale started on Monday, so I figured the setup was for

Turns out, I was wrong.  In between the previews and
the movie, an older chap came up with a musical instrument and started
singing a lovely song in Polish.  What I could get of it was sort of
that it was a love song lamenting the loss of a friend.  I turned to
Scott and said someone’s getting proposed to.

Sure enough, after the song ended, the gentleman a few rows behind me stood up, took the microphone and proposed.


Everyone clapped, and then waited breathlessly for her answer.  She said yes, and everyone cheered again.

She Said Yes!

I was fast with my camera.  Unfortunately, I wasn’t fast enough to get
the settings switched around.  *sigh* Oh well, at least it’s something,
and a sweet story at that.

Such is life on a random Friday Night in Berlin!
