Interesting evening at the Movies

(This is a very old imported from my space blog.  Not all of the links may work.)

The other night, Scott and I decided to go see the movie Benjamin
Button.  Before the movie even got underway, it had started out to be a
strange evening. He was late, and I bought the tickets, finding
out that the ticket price had gone up by another 2 Euros.  It’s now
10.00 per ticket – for the cheap seats on Fridays.  OUCH.

he arrived, we went, got popcorn and a drink and headed into the
theater.  The advertisments commenced, and this is one of them that
came up on the screen – in German.  I’ve put up the english
translation, but it busted me up laughing as I realized this would
NEVER ever be played in the US.  Oh – and it’s much funnier in a
language you don’t understand…. Yet… scary too.

long after the commercials started, a cinema employee came down the
stairs and hooked up a microphone.  I didn’t think too much about it
because the Berlinale started on Monday, so I figured the setup was for

Turns out, I was wrong.  In between the previews and
the movie, an older chap came up with a musical instrument and started
singing a lovely song in Polish.  What I could get of it was sort of
that it was a love song lamenting the loss of a friend.  I turned to
Scott and said someone’s getting proposed to.

Sure enough, after the song ended, the gentleman a few rows behind me stood up, took the microphone and proposed.


Everyone clapped, and then waited breathlessly for her answer.  She said yes, and everyone cheered again.

She Said Yes!

I was fast with my camera.  Unfortunately, I wasn’t fast enough to get
the settings switched around.  *sigh* Oh well, at least it’s something,
and a sweet story at that.

Such is life on a random Friday Night in Berlin!
