More Berlin at Night

TV Tower, Reichstag, Brandenburg Gate
TV Tower, Reichstag, and Brandenburg Gate Lasers (with the Tiergarten being the trees to the right)

Since getting a new tripod, I have to say that I have enjoyed going out and getting more and more night photography. Yes, it comes in handy for other things too, but … it’s well worth the effort to go outside in the evening with the camera and the tripod and get some fantastic shots. Here’s a few from between the Berlin Main Train Station, along the river walk, and up to (but not including) Potsdamer Platz….

Main Train Station (HBF)
Berlin Hauptbahnhof (main train station)

Night Watch Griffon
Griffon on Nightwatch

Boat Along the Spree
Tourist boat along the Spree

Bundestag on the Spree side (parliment)

Kanzleramt (Chancellory?)

Tipi am Kanzleramt
Tipi (teepee) am Kanzleramt (it’s a tent where they do musical and other performances)

Last but not least, a couple in Black and white

remnants of a meal - litterbugs
Remnants of Litterbugs

Shadow walker
and a Shadow Walker

For more photography from this set, please see my flickr set here.

As always, if you enjoyed, please don’t forget to comment and let me know!

For more Berlin Night time Photography, please also see my post – Alexanderplatz at night.


Angels Over Berlin

Marriott Angel Roses
Angel with Roses

Every Once in a while, there is an event planned that is just for the sheer joy of inspiring the photo about to be taken. As a part of the Domino Fall “kick off” on Monday November 9, to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall, an art project was born. The summary of the art project was simply that 20 years ago, as now, angels were watching over us – protecting us – from whatever may come.

3 Angels (take two)

It is a message of hope, joy, faith, and belief – and – though rarely seen – at least at twilight of this one evening, they made an appearance, above us all.

Sometimes Angels Need Directions too...
Sometimes Even Angels Need Directions

For more information on this lovely art project – please see Engel Ueber Berlin

For more photographs, please see my flickr set here.

Have Suitcase, Ready to Travel "angel'
Have suitcase, Will Travel (to be there to Watch Over You!)

* This is part of a series on the 20th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall – and my attempt to document the events of the weekend, where 20 years before, a peaceful revolution brought about a big change which helped to end the cold war, and bring about a new Europe. Many more of the events are in the full flickr set here. *


St. Elisabeth Cemetery

Walking Angel
Walking Angel with Rose (and live carnation)

* This is part of a series on the 20th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall – and my attempt to document the events of the weekend, where 20 years before, a peaceful revolution brought about a big change which helped to end the cold war, and bring about a new Europe. Many more of the events are in the full flickr set here. *

After visiting the commemoration service at the church of the reunification , wandering down Bernauer Strasse and back again, and photographing the roses at the wall (see previous posts) I had a little bit of time. Upon peeking over the fence behind me, I decided to take a few minutes (ok an hour and a half) and wander through theSt. Elisabeth’s cemetery and then into St. Sophia’s Cemetery – across the street. (Links to Flickr Sets behind each of the names.)

Walking Angel w/Feather 5
Walking Angel with Feather (different than above)

Started in 1860’s (first burial in 1865) as an extension to the St. Sophia’s cemetery across the street, this Evangelical Christian graveyard is only about 2 blocks away from the Berlin Wall on Bernauer Str. The main Entry is on Acker Str, through a lovely twisted iron gate. While I hadn’t initially planned on going in, what caught my attention as I glanced past the gate in the misty rain was the angel (at the top) framed by the lovely autumn leaves. From that moment on, I was captivated. This cemetery has not only one, but two massive renaissance style “walking angels” (above and at the bottom), beautiful copper plated female statues, and yes even Greek and Roman style mausoleums along the back and side walls. The lanes between the graves are narrow, and the landscapers hadn’t made it in to clean out the leaves yet. This made for a fabulous contrast between the black headstones and yellow maple leaves.


Problem is – I can’t decide on my favorite photograph from this particular set – because not only was the weather perfect (a fine misty drizzle) but the light was nice as well. Was it the women?

Downward Gaze - Weber family 3<IMGP2875-37

Or the tiny loving details and ornaments?

Thinking AngelMusical Angel & LanternFlower Blossom Ironwork (closeup)Spring IronworkBroken Flower Ironwork

or was it the angels, who, even in Black and White, seem to stop my heart with their serene faces and wide embracing wings?

Romanesque Angel

Walking Angel w/Feather BW

Ahh.. I’d have to say it’s the angels that are my favorite… although… there was that one picture…that seemed to catch them all at once.

Angels In our Hearts
