Good Luck Card

Best Wishes, Boma

Late last week, my friend and Ceroc dancing class buddy, Boma came back from a few holidays in Switzerland. He was quite happy with himself as he told me all about the trip. He went to not only enjoy himself in Basel, but also to apply for some jobs there. Happily, he thinks he has found a new job, and has resigned from the company we work for.

Boma is one of the nicest guys I know, comes from Toga by way of Germany and now is living in Ireland. His upcoming move will take him to his 4th country, Switzerland, and he’s not much older than I am. He’s one of my favorite people – because, he’s very happy go-lucky. Also, like me, he is multi-lingual, has lived all over the world, and is really great to talk with about life, philosophy, and culture. I will miss his happy face and worldly perspective alot – not to mention his sick dancing skills in Ceroc.

Anyhow, as a part of his leaving, there was a little collection of money and I got to make him a best wishes card, pictured above, for everyone to sign.

Boma, I wish you all the best, and I hope once you’re settled in Switzerland, you’ll allow a visitor to pop over so we can go cut up the rug!


Jacqui’s Birthday

2 weeks ago, on the 18th of January, my friend Jacqui had a birthday. At work, we decided to decorate her desk as a surprise – not realizing she wasn’t in until the next day. So, picture two grown women in work early, with a bunch of cupcakes, a couple cards, and a bunch of balloons and ribbons standing there blowing and blowing – and tieing until we can barely breathe – and achieved the following:

Birthday desk surprise

The unfortunate thing was that because she wasn’t in, by the time she arrived the next day (after our Greyhound racing get together – see next post) some of the balloons were deflated. That didn’t stop the surprise, however – when she discovered the decoratons, food, and cards on her desk.

Birthday desk surprise

I will note, however, that as pleased as she was that everyone remembered her birthday – I think she was even more pleased that the shoes she’d ordered off of eBay had arrived. The shoes I affectionately refer to as “the shoes Rainbow Bright Puked on”. Now the thing with these shoes is that they’re supposed to be men’s shoes… and I don’t know a SINGLE man who would wear them…. women, yes, but men – no. That’s why it was so funny when she invited me over to her desk to see her fabulous new shoes….

Rainbow Bright Shoes 2

Honestly, I think they’re not for me, but when Jacqui wore them later in the week, I have to admit that they weren’t half bad. So, here’s to Jacqui – the birthday girl, and our favorite daring shoe lover and her awesome sense of humor.

Rainbow Bright Shoes 3
