Interesting evening at the Movies

(This is a very old imported from my space blog.  Not all of the links may work.)

The other night, Scott and I decided to go see the movie Benjamin
Button.  Before the movie even got underway, it had started out to be a
strange evening. He was late, and I bought the tickets, finding
out that the ticket price had gone up by another 2 Euros.  It’s now
10.00 per ticket – for the cheap seats on Fridays.  OUCH.

he arrived, we went, got popcorn and a drink and headed into the
theater.  The advertisments commenced, and this is one of them that
came up on the screen – in German.  I’ve put up the english
translation, but it busted me up laughing as I realized this would
NEVER ever be played in the US.  Oh – and it’s much funnier in a
language you don’t understand…. Yet… scary too.

long after the commercials started, a cinema employee came down the
stairs and hooked up a microphone.  I didn’t think too much about it
because the Berlinale started on Monday, so I figured the setup was for

Turns out, I was wrong.  In between the previews and
the movie, an older chap came up with a musical instrument and started
singing a lovely song in Polish.  What I could get of it was sort of
that it was a love song lamenting the loss of a friend.  I turned to
Scott and said someone’s getting proposed to.

Sure enough, after the song ended, the gentleman a few rows behind me stood up, took the microphone and proposed.


Everyone clapped, and then waited breathlessly for her answer.  She said yes, and everyone cheered again.

She Said Yes!

I was fast with my camera.  Unfortunately, I wasn’t fast enough to get
the settings switched around.  *sigh* Oh well, at least it’s something,
and a sweet story at that.

Such is life on a random Friday Night in Berlin!


Obama Inauguration Party Pictures…

Welcome Obama to the Presidency.  It felt like the day would never come
– and now you’ve been the head of my nation for 1 week.  Wow. What a
week it’s been with policy making and turning Washington on it’s Ear.
I do hope you keep up the good work, and that the honeymoon turns out
to be more than just a honeymoon.

Now that I finally have all the Inauguration Party pictures up on Flickr,I thought I’d add a few of them here, along with my memories of the event from Berlin.
First off – it was held at the Goya:
The Goya, Berlin - Inauguration Ball Berlin

which is a former 1920’s movie theater that’s now been converted into a nightclub.

started lining up at 4PM for the doors to open at 4:30PM.
Unfortunately, as with most Democrats Abroad Events, this was as
disorganized as ever – and the doors did not actually open until 5:15
PM.  By this time, the lines were around the block – and not moving
very fast:

Lines around the block

comparison – the Goya is up and around the corner.  The security was
tight – because of the American Embassy throwing a bi-partisan party,
and over 1500 people were expected to attend.  At one point, we looked
at our watches and realized that we had less than 15 minutes until the
18:00 Inauguration was supposed to start.  I was getting irritated (and
wasn’t the only one) because we had arrived with plenty of time – and
was concerned about missing it. At nearly the last possible minute,
Nancy (and a couple organisers) came out and said that they were going
to start hurrying the line in to make sure that people got in.  It was
at that time that the line started moving quicker – security started
inspecting down the line instead of just at the door….

just 5 minutes to spare, we got our tickets (front and back pictured
below), and our hand stamp with the Obama logo – and were inside.

Obama Stamp Ticket to HistoryAdmit One

long after, we realized we were packed into a room with lots of people
there to witness history – not just Americans – but Germans, Italians,
and lots of other nationalities – who all were wanting to watch the
“history” in the making.

As we stood at the back of the room,
I immediately started looking around.  The first thing I noticed, other
than the massive amount of Media and Press people, was this poor guy
standing there with a laptop balanced precariously in one hand, the
other holding the cables tightly attached to keep them from being
trampled and/or pulled out during the “show”.  This was the first “live
stream” of a Presidential Inauguration – and his computer was the one
from which the ENTIRE thing was being received and sent – onto the big
screen we were watching – from CNN.  (How tired his arms must have been
by the end!).  I thought this was particularly impressive – because of
Obama beng a very tech-savvy president, the wave of young that kept in
touch with his every move via youtube and the internet – and how well
we were all co-ordinated and moved into position by email.  It really
says how far we’ve come:

2008 Live Stream

long after, started the introductions, for which we all cheered.   Then
was the Pastor Rick Warren.  The room was completely silent as Rick
started his prayer…

F**k YOU!
the very end, just as Rick Warren asked for the blessing and said
“Amen”, the crowd stood, not sure whether to cheer.  It was at that
moment, that a single male voice from one of the balconies shouted out “FUCK YOU RICK WARREN!” and
everyone cheered – not because of Pastor Warren – but despite him. Why?
Because the guy who said “F-you” said what we all were thinking.
Sometimes it takes baby steps, but … (I guess I still don’t
understand why we can’t love each other as we are – gay or straight –
and why the Christian right feels the need to do what they do…. we
still have a long way to go for “true” equality for all… but that’s
for another blog…)

Then came the swearing in of Joe Biden, and
we once again cheered.  Next up was singing from Aretha (what an UGLY
hat!), and a beautiful set of music.

Aretha's Ugly Hat
then, during the music, high (12) noon in the US was struck.  Despite
not having been sworn in yet, the Constitution said that Obama was
President. His term has begun.  The George Bush Years were over – and a
new era had started.  When the word went up on CNN, everyone cheered,
hugged, and some people were wiping their eyes.  It made me smile, but
I was still waiting – because it still seemed surreal.

it was Obama’s Turn.  He took the oath, the Justice and he messed up
the words, and we all chuckled.  At last, someone who’s just a little
bit “human”, and had a case of the nerves.  Yep, this is the man we
“knew”, and who we had heard inspire us for the last 2 years. As the
swearing in ended, it hit me – really hit me.

Relief, Happiness, Hope, Pride, Amazement, Awe, and Relief again.

have accomplished something so big – that in that moment – in that
second, as Obama was pronounced the leader of the USA, the world’s
superpower, I began to weep.  It’s been a long long time – Hallelujah! I
know I wasn’t the only one who felt that way – the crowd around me
hugged, kissed, and cheered until they were hoarse, while fisting the
sky, high 5’ing and waving American flags:

It's Official
The lights in the room went on (red, white, and blue)

Red, White, Blue Balconies

and Obama started his speech.  For a single moment, I had to have my
photo taken (Obama’s on the screen behind me) to commemorate the fact
that I was there, watching history – from halfway across the world – in
Germany, a country where I had sought some kind of refuge and peace –
from the George Bush era.

soon, I can feel like I can go home, be welcomed, and approve of what
my government would do as a Citizen of the World.  Until then, I’m
happy, and I’m pleased because all I volunteered days and days for, all
I hoped for, and all I myself and others abroad wanted to accomplish
was officially, completely done.  Now it was time to Celebrate with my
friends and volunteers.

DSCF2132 Jocelyn, Me, Hilary

DSCF2148Cody,Hilary, Alex

Hilary Alex and Me
All for Obama, and Voting Abroad.


Surviving the Cold….

Frozen Lock

Last weekend was the beginning of a cold snap.  I’ve heard that it’s
the coldest it’s been here in 50 years.  For those of you in the US, this is a
damp cold, and to give you some perspective, -20 C is equal to about -5 F, and
at night, it’s been averaging at least -20 C.  The high during the day has been
-4 C to -10 C.
It’s been cold cold.  I’ve affectionately nicknamed it the “berlin meat
locker.” Why? well, because it’s colder than most meat lockers that I’ve been
in, never before have I seen the mosture in the air freeze into little ice
crystals (they look like glitter suspended in mid air when you look at the
streetlights), or have I experienced actually it being painful to breathe.  As
you go outside to catch the bus, you witness everyone’s wrapped up with only
their little eyes peeking out.  It’s slightly amusing, until you are standing
there for about 5 minutes, wishing that either the wind would quit blowing, for
an extra pair of socks (when you’re already wearing 2), and maybe a hot
chocolate because you have roughly another hour to go outside. Even the locks
where the big ships pass through are frozen (see picture above). It’s rather
Thing is, however, despite the 6 inches of snow, the freezing cold
weather, the hassle of not plowed streets/sidewalks there are some things of
beauty to be happy for.
What you ask?  Well, they’re three fold –
a) I still have heat in my apartment – despite the gas dispute between
Russia and Ukraine cutting German supplies to about 50%.  (many places in the
Eastern block simply have no heating gas – so they’re in the deep freeze with no
place to get warm.)
b) Despite the cold – the sun has come out every day for the last 2
weeks.  I haven’t wanted to be out more than I had to, but somehow, it still
makes me feel happy.  I’d rather cold, snow and sun than gray clouds and
c) As the first of the cold weather hit, and the snow started falling, I
made a trek to Berlin.  In the Tiergarten, they have 90 restored and working gas
lamps that illuminate the night.  Not only are the walkways romantic when it’s
summertime, but in the depths of winter, the warm yellow gas light reflects on
the snow and somehow the world is a little more magical…..

Grand Dame of Streetlights



I guess, in the end, there is a beauty to it all – you just have
to know where to look.  *sigh* Why did we do away with these anyhow….
If you want to see more, there’s alot more up on my Flickr site in the Gas Lamp Walk Set.
