New Blog, Broken Links…

Well, here I am.  I’ve finally broken down and gotten a new website especially so I can try to get something set up to sell some of my artwork, photography and designs.  It’s been a long time coming, and I’m afraid that this is still a work in progress.  As a part of this, I’ve moved my blog off of the old My Space site and to my own personal site.

The problem?

As it imported, most of the photo links to my Flickr site appear to have broken.  They do, however still display (weird eh?).

So, I’ve tried to go through and update the actual links themselves to the flickr sets where available.  (Browse away – and remember – if you see something you like, check my store to purchase prints!)

Otherwise, if you hit some broken photo links from the old entries – I do apologize and hope to not have that problem going forward.

~ All the Best
