Down like Dominoes…..

How did we get here? Why is it happening?

Lehman Brothers
Merrill Lynch
Bear Stearns
Fanny Mae
Freddy Mac

And that’s just the few that I can remember – all going downhill and/or being taken over by the Federal Government.

Then, I read today that the FDIC is short on funds. If a major player like Washington Mutual failed today, the FDIC wouldn’t be able to provide their insurance to the investors there. They’d have to go to the Treasury and ask for funds.

And where do you think all these funds are coming from?!? You and me the taxpayer.

This Administration with their “big business”, “corporation” and “no regulation” policies has yet again ignored things like huge failures (think Enron) and we, the American taxpayer are paying the price. Yes, folks, we voted them in office, yes, folks, we let them get away with 8 + years of de-regulation, huge bonuses (even when their companies were going under), abuse of our wallets and pocketbooks, abuse of the system – and viola – you have a set up …

that’s toppling like dominoes.

No, I’m not a scared investor – my investments have been chopped to 1/4 of what they were less than 2 years ago. I’m not moving my money out of my stocks and bonds – yet.

I am, however, once again spreading it around. No longer are my funds all held in one bank. I now have 2 banks, 2 credit unions, and 3 different stock brokers. Why? Because I don’t want to be caught under it – when the house of cards collapses.
