A New Record… ’UGH’ that didn’t need to be

On Thursday, after Amsterdam didn’t work out for the weekend, one of my co-workers, M, offered a day trip on Friday to go see a UNESCO world Heritage site called Goslar, Germany. It’s a midevil mining stronghold full of half timbered houses, a beautiful old fortified house where the German emperors held court in the 1000’s and right on the river.

Despite the potential for bad weather, we discussed it for the better part of Thursday. All told, we figured on 2.5 hours to get there, 2.5 hours to get back and a few hours wandering around. Initially, we were going to take the dog – but after hearing the weather forecast, I decided to leave him at home because it was supposed to rain/sleet/snow and M’s car didn’t need to smell like wet dog for the next 3 weeks.

So, on Friday, I woke up to a light dusting of snow – got everything ready, and thought hey, I’ll toss a couple apples in my bag. Just in case I get the munchies, after all, it’s going to be alot of walking. I was bundled up in a couple layers of clothes with my down coat, grabbed an umbrella and was sure to wear my waterproof boots. We left at 8am and made great time – an hour and a half – and then we decided to stop at another town on the way to Goslar – to see the town and another fortified house. (several of the towns including Goslar and the other one we stopped in are well over 1000 years old.)

We got to Goslar about 11 am, ate lunch and wandered around for a bit. Then, we went into the Emperor’s house and took the 3 pm tour. Once we were done there, we wandered back to the car (yes, I took another few hundred pictures – who do you think I am?!?)

We left around 5:30 pm. Hit the road, and it was sleeting – then snowing. And because we were trying to follow the signs, we wound up going on the wrong road – for about 35 minutes – headed toward hannover (north west) instead of toward Berlin (north east). After realizing what happened, well, we cut back across and hit the Autobahn and were stuck in and out of rain, sleet, and snow showers. M kept saying it’s slippery… and of course, it’s getting dark. Meanwhile, we’re going 120 km per hour (about 65 mph) and other cars are just flying past us. Not long after a car drove past going so fast to almost blow our doors off – I commented – you watch, he’s gonna slip, slide, and wind up in a ditch somewhere….

It’s funny how premonitions are, and even funnier how thankful I am for our little detour.

You see, our detour took us about 35 minutes out of the way and another 20 to cut back across. While that was happening, the sleet/rain/snow mix continued and hit just outside Magdeburg on the 2 Autobahn. We were running about 55 minutes behind where we should have been –


The result? We missed the black ice – and got stuck in the traffic trying to use the autobahn. We hit the slowing traffic about 6:25 pm or so – and were stopped stuck for nearly the next 3.5 hours. All we kept hearing on the traffic report was how bad it was, and that the traffic was backed up nearly 5 km (about 3 miles). Yeah, I admit that at some point, M and I got off and waited at the “rest stop” area (lord knows we could have just walked to it, taken a leak and walked back and not moved more than 5 feet). I also admit that we turned on the radio and I was so stir crazy that I started karaoke-ing to the songs on the radio – nearly all of them – from Sonny and Cher’s “I’ve got you babe” to the Police’s “I’ll be watching you”. Poor M, because not only was he being tortured by my singing (yes, include that horrible titanic song) but also by the fact that things weren’t going to plan – we’d planned on being back earlier so my dog could be let out; he could get some sleep and so on.

In the end, I got home about 1 am – opened the door – and the dog hadn’t made a mess – but he too had a new record – 18 hours with no potty. I will NOT do that again (poor baby) – because he literally pushed past me on the way outside as soon as I got the door open (I had expected that) and barely made it to the nearest bush. He’s SUCH A GOOD BOY! *gives him an extra hug, kiss, treat, loves, and thanks for his patience*

Also, speaking of records -for me, this was a new record for being stuck in a traffic jam – that didn’t have to be. 3.5 hours – before we turned off (we went north and took a route I’d scoped out by map while 98% of the traffic went south on the police planned route) out of traffic to take a detour and get back on a couple exits later.

The only brightsides – a) at least it wasn’t us caught in that mess – and b) I’m fairly certain that somewhere in that 60 car pileup – was that dark blue mercades that went whipping past us on the autobahn almost the same time as we made a wrong turn….

Ahh, Instant Karma.

PS – pictures posted soon – once I’m done posting those from Prague.


Drinks Last night, Prague today

After I hopped off the computer last night, the Spanish guy that I was staying in the room with at the hostel said he needed to go to the bank to go get some money. We went over for money and on the way over, decided to get a bite to eat.
It was my birthday after all, so I suggested we pop in the Shamrock Irish Pub there in the tourist district. We found a table in a great pub that was packed with irish folks out for the weekend. The table becide us had 3 guys and a girl, kitty corner to us had 5 guys, and another behind us had 6 more. They were well on their way to feelin “happy” by the time that we arrived. Anyhow, a couple pints later (for my new friend from the hostel) and a couple rum and cokes for me (along with an irish stew) the guys at the tables around us were pretty well far along – enough so that they were singing at the top of their lungs, guy on guy dancing and just having a blast. No kidding. I was busting up at their antics, and the poor spanish guy I was hanging out with was completely lost.
Finally, one of the guys sees me busting up and says “Oy! Wayt a min-ut they’res a gal there – hey lass, come out and dance wyth us!” After cracking up laughing and a smart ass “what? you mean you’re tired of dancing with your buddies on the floor?” from me, I went out and had some fun dancing and just cracking up with them. There’s a few pictures from this – and yes, I even (hopefully it’ll turn out) got to blow out a candle for my birthday. Of course… it was the candle that was on the table as opposed to a birthday candle on a cake – but … it counts.
We got back to the Room about midnight – and offered Ruby and Matt (the chinese guy whose name I thought was Zhang but he prefers Matt) to come out for the last drink of the night. Neither of them joined – because after hearing me spout about how great Kutna Hora and the Bone church are and seeing a few pictures – they decided to go themselves on Monday – and then they talked Jose (the spanish guy) into going too. How cool is that? 🙂
Moving along to today – (Happy Saint Pat’s By the way!) this morning I headed back into prague and caught the old town square and more of the charles bridge. I also climbed up the towers at both ends and took some video – hopefully it turns out. Otherwise, It was weird weather wise – while on the bridge, one side of the bridge was clear blue sky and sunny – the other – storm clouds and sprinkling – it made for some amusing photographs between the towers and statues in the area.
After that, I popped into the czech post to send a few postcards and then caught my train home – footsore and fulfilled.
Photos will be posted soon (I hope) and yes, I did keep up with my Project 365 while I was there – Just didn’t have a way to upload them while out of town.
By the By – side note – Zamwal decided that he wanted to buy a flickr account for himself – so the next person to respond that they’re interested in the 365 challenge (see other blog for it) gets the gift of a free flickr account from me!

Happy Birthday To ME!

I woke up to rain this morning, but I put on a happy face anyhow. After all, I’m in PRAGUE and it’s MY BIRTHDAY!! Nothing can Rain on My Parade.

Thanks to Brian P who texted me at 8:00 am this morning just to tell me Happy Birthday (yes, darling, you were the first and that made it all the more special!). I know you stayed up way past your bedtime, and trust me, it was greeted with a smile.

Anyhow, after helping the roomie – I’m staying in a hostel and sharing a 4 bed room with a Spanish guy named Francis Jose or something, a chinese guy named Zhong, and (joining us at midnight last night) a beautiful american hispanic from California named Ruby – with a search on the internet (Jose speaks no english – he’s from San Sebastian Spain) – we went for breakfast. We ate at a cool little restaurant across the street (huevos rancheros – yes, even in Prague they have Mexican) . Then, I popped back in and Ruby and I headed up the hill to see the castle in Prague. I feel a little bad though – because we wound up in the lovely catherdal with about a zillion people packed in – and I lost her in the crowd. After sticking around for about 30 minutes, I wound up going on and exploring the castle myself. (I’ll apologize to her when she gets in tonight – I feel REALLY bad!!) I took a ton of pictures, but as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in and of itself, I realize that I’ll be going back tomorrow – why? Because I didn’t get to explore all of it. My feet were killing me (you try trekking around on steep cobblestone streets for 2 days straight) and my legs and back were cramping. I decided at 18:30 I was tired and hungry and to head back for the night. I’ve seen most of prague now (by night) and figure I’ll have a few hours tomorrow morning to see the couple things I missed.

Otherwise, Happy Birthday to me – this makes Castle NUMBER 3! (Oh and Unesco world heritage site number 4 in 3 days!) Not that I’m counting or anything….

In the meantime, I’m 32 years young, (the spanish Jose guy says I look 25 – so that’s a plus – or he’s great at flattery) and glad to have gypsy feet, wanderlust, and the opportunity to fullfill it because my health has been good. Thank God for that and all the blessings I’ve been given this year. May the next be filled with as many. *AMEN*
