No Rain, No Rainbows…

Sun beams and Storm clouds

This week, I had Thursday off for Assention day, and Friday off because I work the weekend.  It rained both days.  We’re talking heavy downpours, thunder and lightening.   While I admit that it was the cause for great sleep from Wednesday night into Thursday morning, by Friday afternoon, both myself and the dog were very stir crazy.

Around 18:30 pm, suddenly the sun came out, turning everything a beautiful waterlogged green.  I grabbed the camera thinking to take some water droplet photographs and took the pup outside – only to find that the back of the building was dry and sunny – the front of the building was still in the middle of a downpour.  Moral of the story?

No Rain……

Sunlight & Rain

Half Rainbow

No Rainbows.


Anti Facism Demonstration by Communists?

Where to start… to try and make this clear – now that I understand what was going on and why I got strange looks – let me see ….
Teltow. It’s a small town – 1 street maybe 1000 people – if that. It’s tiny – and located between Berlin and Potsdam. It’s a bedroom community – where nothing really happens – even on the weekend – past 10 pm. Everything is closed after 6pm on most nights, and it’s just dead – you rarely see anyone on the streets.
That being said, May 17, as I rode my bike home from work, I saw this huge massive police force out – blocking the one main street. We’re talking completely closed off to vehicles – with police police police – in green vests, and a few in riot gear.
Line of Police
I thought there must have been a huge bad accident or something – because people go racing up and down the street all the time. Thing is that they were letting pedestrians and bikers through – so as I rode up the street (thinking to rubberneck and maybe snap a few pictures) I discovered the street was just closed – for seemingly no reason – and there was just a huge police force, and really no people. I was like what the heck? Weird.
Line of Police 2
Anyhow, I went home, sat out a 20 minute rain shower and started walking the dog, smartly taking the camera with me. As I rounded the corner, I start hearing people shouting chants and angry things in German – and realize it must be some kind of a protest march that these guys were covering for. So, I head up to the main street to see what’s going on. (After all, March 17 – to me – is any one of a possible 3 holidays – it is the Norwegian Independence day, Equality for gays/lesbians and against homophobia, and the global freedom of information day.)
So, I get down there and start taking pictures of the protest – as follows:
Anti-Facism March
Day 69: Anti-Facism March (1)
Anti-Facism March (2)
Anti-Facism March (3)
Now here’s the thing – the whole time I’m taking pictures, I’m reading the signs and they read “anti-facism” and stuff. (Oh – and I’m getting funny looks – really funny looks from the police who are appearing ready to come at me at any second – to which I keep saying “tourist tourist”) Anyhow, the protest signs – they appear to be being put on by the communist party of Potsdam, Babelsburg and Brandenburg.
To say the least – I’m puzzled. Really Puzzled.
Why are the communist party protesting against facism in tiny Teltow? What am I missing here? Shouldn’t they be in Berlin or Potsdam or something?
Well, after I get to work and start asking questions of the Germans I work with, here’s the explanation.
Apparently, there’s a facist /nazi clothing shop in Teltow (No, really – I didn’t know this either) under the name of something or other nordic blah blah. And these folks were protesting it.
As if that weren’t odd enough – the people protesting are not only communist – but are part of a movement of “anti germans” which have a history of riots and mob violence. You can read more about it here:

Anti-German (Modern communist)

So, this would explain the police being out en masse.

Also from Michael – the translation of that banner in the last picture is “do you know your neighobor? They could be a nazi!”

I’m feeling a little dumb now – a) because I didn’t understand there was a Nazi shop in town, b) because I stood at the protest (ok me and about 2 other people) going what the heck? while taking pictures and c) I’m sure to someone, it looked like I supported the anti-facism (which I do) AND the communists with a history of riots and violence (which I don’t).
Amusingly – they are pro-USA and anti Germans… go figure.
Live, Learn, and well, I guess this is one experience that now that I understand how much I’ve been missing – and be amused.