What ’R Ya Drinkin? Medicine?!? Yep!

** Warning – this will read like a bad horror movie – don’t read before you go to bed! **
This is just scary. With all the outrage at most of the pesticides and so on that are in our drinking water, there’s a new study out today saying that most of the USA’s drinking water is also polluted by pharmacuticals.
Grandma’s heart medicine (check); little Bobby’s epilepsy medicine (check); my antibiotics (check)
You scared yet? You worried Yet?
Well, maybe you should be.
Why? because these are actually formulated to work on the human body. Some are fat soluble and others could react with drugs and/or meds that you’re currently taking. And long term studies of “drug coctails” in various forms – including what is in your drinking water haven’t been done.
And the EPA? oh they’re not screening or regulating how much pharmacuticals are supposed to be found in your drinking water. What’s this mean? that there can be any amount (ok I’ll admit it’s usually trace amounts and some experts say it’s nothing to worry about) in there. Heck, some areas of the country, because it’s not regulated – aren’t even testing!!
Are you Scared yet? Think about this – over time – how does this affect you? Could it be the reason there’s more cancer now than before? Could it be the reason that some people are having a difficult time with pregnancy? Could it be the reason why drugs aren’t working and why some strains of virus/bacteria are getting stronger and harder to treat? The answer to all of these is “maybe” – only because there’s no data to say officially yes or no.
Now that I have you freaked out, (as you should be) please, take a moment, read and digest this AP article – and you’ll be scared too. At any rate, it made me think twice before I took a swallow from my glass of water….