Volcano-ologists v/s Vulcan-ologists

The longer that I’m stranded in Ireland due to the Volcano, the more cynical and funny/sad the news seems to get. I’ve now seen more talking heads interviewing volcanologists (Live Long and Prosper) than I can speak of. And yet, somehow, it’s fascinating – because it’s so overplayed (we’re talking pick your favorite B movie end of the world scenario – Volcano? Apocolapyse? Day after Tomorrow?) and perhaps over dramaticized (weepy bride misses wedding, angry parents with tired whiny children, empty airports with slow strolling reporter and panning camera) to keep the fickle public interest. It’s a formula that works, and I know it, see it, and recognize it – but nonetheless find myself fascinated – because I just want to know if my flight will go on Wednesday (doubt it – I should just unpack into the hotel drawers and plan on staying a while) like the rest of the several hundred thousand stranded by the ash around the globe.

As far as the Volcanologists (Live Long and Prosper) go, they all pretty much (for 4 days straight) say “big mountain go boom”, and “Ash is Bad!” and “It’ll stop when it stops.” To that end, I realize three things. a) I could have figured that out myself from the pictures after you told me that the first time b) Yes, ASH is bad, but it’s also good – because it makes the soil around the volcanoes some of the worlds most fertile – lots of nutrients. Think of it as mother nature manure. Better than cow manure – and Everyone who is a farmer wants to raise crops in it…. that’s why there are huge civilizations around volcanoes… c) No matter how advanced our technology is, Right Now, Mother Nature still has one up on us and has won this round of “stump the scientist”. Kudos to Earth on that one.

Oh – because I saw a great article filled with beautiful pictures (yah I know – but it is beautiful in a “hell on earth-really glad i’m not there but wish i was with my camera – just to say I was and have the photo to prove it – way) from Iceland’s local English paper. (You can see it for yourself here.) I must note that Icelanders are learning to hate Fox “news” almost as much as the rest of the world, and are quite vocal in their annoyance. Fair Play to Iceland for actually recognizing the humor and over-doing of everything that Fox says – even this.

Oh – and Congrats to Fox – for annoying people the world over. Again. Keep up the Scare-mongering. You might get a real apocolapyse out of it. No really. Predict it enough, and eventually you might be right.

On another front, I saw an article on MSNBC today, where Leonard Nimoy says that Barack Obama is a Star Trek Fan (With those ears? you sure he’s not half Ferengi?). Not only was the timing excellent, the article is complete with the Mr. Spok pose Nemoy is most famous for… the Hand with fingers V’ed in the middle and the thumb sticking out; aka – to us Trekkies – the Vulcan (live long and prosper) hand greeting. While the article is great, on initial opening of the page, I thought….

Oh Dear! Mr. Nemoy, You’ve been watching too much News Coverage of Volcano-ologists – just like me… (see last post where I explain that with each Volcano-ologist interview I’m holding up the hand greeting)

Ok that’s enough for today –

Live long and prosper.

Live Long and Prosper.


More Lost in Translation

Well, I found these on my cell phone (handy as it’s nicknamed in German) camera – from way back in December 2009. It’s been a while I know, but perhaps they’ll provide you with a bit of a Laugh this Monday morning. Yes, they’re more “Lost in Translation” items – this time a bunch of randomly found products from my local REAL supermarket. Let’s Start with the Candy Aisle – mostly because this is some of the best places for humor that is lost on children:

Super Dickmann's
Super Dickmann’s Chocolate (covered marshmellows) – As the package says – “super big and Crispy” – Between the shape and the name.. well… Let’s let your imagination roam into the gutter.

Next up: Jogger Gums – made with with Grape Sugar!

Jogger Gums

Not sure about this one. A bit concerned, in fact. You see, it says Jogger Gums. I know enough German to understand “gums” is supposed to be short for “gummy” or “jelly” type candy.

However, the photos and art on the packaging depicting pairs of sneakers make me think it will taste like old shoes and not something good. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure that I want to eat someone’s jogging shoes, let alone if they’ve been stomping around in a grape pit for wine making… Seriously — Between the Toe Jam, foot fungus, and grape sugar… I’m sure nothing about this could be a good thing. Not even the smell.

And from the same company (katjes – who should perhaps really reconsider their product naming strategy – because I’m NOT buying these either) we also have 2 lovely licorish products:

Katzen Ohren

Katzen Pfoetchen

Yes, folks – translated, “katchen” is “cat” and “ohren” are “ears” and Pfoetchen is “Foot” or “paws”. So, that means you have the first one – Cat’s ears (triangle shaped licorish candy that is proudly proclaiming “Without conserving stuff” and “with tasty herbs”), and the second one “Cat’s Paws” (Again, with no conserving stuff, and the package says ” soft” and “spicy”). Now, maybe if I were in an Asian Country I might expect to eat Cat. Heck, I’d even expect to see it marketed – but in Germany? Not so much. Oh – did I mention that I don’t even want to know what those tasty herbs are (catnip perhaps?!?) nor do I want to know what makes those cat’s paws “soft” and “spicy” (and isn’t spicy the wrong word – I think crunchy from the cat litter is more expected here).

Across to the other side of the store – let’s now go visit the Alcohol Aisle, where products again are running amok of some bad translations, dirty minds, and well, all together things that make me go humm and crack up laughing. I will note that the majority of large bottles here are pretty common – it’s the small little “pocket shots” that are the “creative” ones:

First up – the Hillbilly Liquors. 25 small “airplane sized” bottles to a box. With Priceless marketing like this (there are 5 different flavors – but I only took 2 of the boxes – will have to go back for more photos) what could go wrong?:

Hillbilly Liquors

Not Much I’d say. The one on the left is “vodka Lemon” flavor, and features a pair of strange “hillbilly” type people curling on the ice with mountains in the background. Now, knowing that curling started in the North (Scotland I believe), are they insulting the Scots here? And really – Lemons don’t grow in Scotland. Trust me on that one. I’ve been there – Too damn cold!
The one on the right – well, that could be anyone’s typical backwoods redneck. He’s got his ‘coon hound, his huntin’ cap – complete with horn in the brim, is barefoot (red headed again? Seeing a theme here?) and appears to be carrying a clay jug. Worth noting also is the fact it’s “waldmeister” (hunting master – don’t get me started) flavor, and that there’s two women hiding on either side of the trees way in the back (a blonde and a brunette). Both Boxes say “nimm mich” or “take me”… let’s say I almost did – just for the sheer amusement the cartoons on the box brought me.

Next up is the Wurtzelpeter liquor. Again, small bottles in a bigger box:

Would you trust the gnomes?

So Wurtzelpeter is a Gnome. And as shown on this box, they are the ones responsible for this liquor – which as the box says – was made in the woods from original herbs. Which begs me to ask (Knowing a thing or two about gnomes and their creepy garden cousins) Would you trust the Gnomes to make you liquor? Really?

The third item on my rant list – is well, slightly phallic in nature. Especially when it’s on the top shelf – and you are reading all the bottle labels – then see this over your head, and at this EXACT angle.

Peach liquor bottle

Technically, I can’t say anything bad about it – it’s peach flavoured liquor, and the base is shaped like well… a peach. It’s just how they designed the “pouring spout” of the bottle that gave me a chuckle. (Remember, Germany is NOT conservative America – so you see lots of um.. interesting… advertisments here that all have various forms of “fruit” in condoms…)

Last on my list? Well, after having decided to check out all of the above liquor – this little priceless (final) gem of the day was at the farthest end of the liquor aisle. Maybe they were hoping that by the time we got here, we’d be too drunk to notice that someone didn’t pass geography.

Wild Africa Jaguar / Leopard Liquor

I’m not sure how the liquor tastes, or even what kind of liquor it is – I never got that far before I busted out laughing. The bottle – coated in a thin polyester fuzzy fabric in leopard print (with a Jaguar photo) absolutely takes the cake. It really says “schmoozy” like a bad 1970’s flick starring an “awesome” guy sporting a toupee with light blue polyester trousers, 1/2 unbuttoned shirt that reveals suitably hairy chest, and big gold chains. Other than that, this makes me wonder how badly they failed geography and science – something I apparently did not. (Jaguars are NATIVE to South America, Leopards to the Middle East / Asia). So, by that logic – Is this African Liquor – or well, just something that is Lost in Translation.

That’s it for Monday – I hope I made you laugh, cry, or just think “oh my goodness” at this latest batch of strangeness. Until next time, keep smiling.


You can’t make this stuff up!

Bayruth Police Looking for Driver

Rough translation:

Bayruth police need your help! They’re looking for a car with a muppet driver. “Ernie” as he is known, was going 155 km/hr in a 120 km/hr zone on the A9 on Friday and police are concerned. The Vehicle, photographed violating the speed limits 3 times, is a British Registered Audi, and has been photographed with ERNIE in the front seat.

Since they have no cross border agreement, police can’t track down the owner of the british registered car, and are concerned for public safety.

If you have information on this crime, please contact them.”

Photo from the news article:

Now the first thing that made me laugh was not that the guy was speeding. It was that it’s obviously a Right Side Steering wheel vehicle (british hello!) with ANIMAL in the “passenger” seat (Not ERNIE).

If you’re going to look for a muppet driving a sports car, shouldn’t you at least know which MUPPET you’re looking for?
