Obama’s in Berlin Tomorrow

After much waiting, it’s been decided. Obama will make his speech at the Winged Victory Monument at 7PM here in Berlin.
Winged Victory
I’m so excited. Barack Obama is my candidate of choice, he’s inspirational, and a lovely orator. And not only will I be there to hear and see the speech, I’ll be volunteering for the Obama Campaign. I’m not sure if I’ll be doing crowd control, handing out flyers and/or balloons or just what yet, but whatever it is, I’m so there – and in my Obama girl outfit. Either way, this is my ONE chance to see him speak in person – and I’m taking it. Now, I’m just hoping that it’s all I want it to be.
In the meantime, here’s a lovely op-ed piece by William Kristol to chew over – in anticipation of what Obama may be pontificating at the monument.
More either Tomorrow or Friday – and hopefully with Pictures…..

Obama-mania has come to Germany…

Obama-mania has come to Germany and I helped. 🙂

Germany doesn’t celebrate Independence day on the 4th of July. It just doesn’t exist here – it’s a normal work day. That’s what it is. After 2.5 years, I realize that that’s the reality of life, and that no matter what, my Red,White, and Blue patriotism and the subsequental need for a barbeque, fireworks and a little of that classic hometown mom’s apple pie stuff isn’t going to happen, and no amount of homesick will make it better. So, I get through the day and move on.

The good news? This year was different. The American Embassy opened on the 4th of July at it’s old pre-WW2 location on Parisier Platz just next to the Brandenburg Gate. George Bush Sr and Angela Merkle and a bunch of other high falootin’ folks were there (little old me is too lowly to go to the party). However, to celebrate, the American Embassy sponsored something called Amerikafest. It was complete with hotdogs, hamburgers, the Airforce band, and fireworks on the 4th of July. I hear it was pretty cool.

Advertising flyer

The thing is, though, that it continued into the 5th of July too. And on the afternoon of the 4th, just when I thought I couldn’t get any more homesick, I got this email…. saying that the Democrats Abroad was going to have a tent at the Amerikafest and needed Volunteers for registering people to vote, blowing up balloons and helping with sale of t-shirts and buttons. Being an Obama girl, and so overwhelmingly homesick for 4th of July, I thought well, it’s time to put my “money” where my mouth is and my hands to work for Obama on Saturday.

Saturday came about slightly grey and threatening rain. I packed my raincoat and dressed in my Obama shirt, my red “star cut out” belt, and blue cargo capris. I was figuring I’d get some Obama pins and a hat once I got there. Luckily it didn’t rain (It was about 85F by the afternoon and just lovely), and when I got there – at some point, someone actually slapped a bumper sticker on my back to make me even MORE visible, saying I really was an Obama GIRL, front and back!

I'm Obama's Girl!

Anyhow, from 9AM, setup began – and despite things at Amerikafest not supposed to be starting until 10AM, we were mobbed. What do I mean by mobbed? I mean that our 4 foot by 12 foot space that we had (we were sharing a tent with the Republicans Abroad – they had the left, we had the right) was packed with activity from that moment on – 7 to 8 people deep, shoulder to shoulder, everyone clamoring for balloons, Obama pins, Obama Bumper Stickers, and Obama T-shirts, Obama Platform. They were happy to see us there.

The Republicans Abroad side by contrast was desolate (you can tell which is ours) and you could almost hear the wind whistling through (they had 2 people there to our 20) and no merchandise, platform statement, or anything. Just a bumper sticker for McCain hung on one wall and an American flag on the other.

Merchandise, platform and interest
Bi-partisan tent

Anyhow, after several hours of blowing up and handing out balloons, I eventually got a chance to go outside, with one of the huge 3 foot diamater balloons tied to me, a package of buttons, several handouts and a goofy grin on my face. Heading out with Alexander, We drew plenty of attention to ourselves, walking through the Brandenburg gate and then over to the Sony Center. We got lots of cheers, a bunch of button buying and several people heading in the right direction to vote.

At 2pm, back at the Brandenburg Gate, we had a group photo of all of the Volunteers – and all the Obama Supporters who wanted to show up:

Final group shot? dude with the bag?

From here, we went back to the tent, did the same thing for hours and hours, and I escaped again for a hotdog dinner – and long enough to catch the ELVIS impersonator on stage. He was actually pretty good. (Yeah, Elvis – both Americans and Germans can agree on him!)

Elvis Impersonator on stage

And then, sunset came – and the crowds started to slowly dissipate – while I stood outside, once again with camera in hand, merchandise ready to go, and balloon tied to my belt. I couldn’t resist this shot of the Brandenburg gate with the Red, White, and Blue American flag stage next to it:

Twilight Brandenburg Gate & Amerikafest

I wound up getting out of there about 10:30 PM. A long and exhausting day. My feet hurt, my hands ached, my brain was fried (too much speaking in German about politics that I don’t have the words for), and I was happy to go home – but even happier that I got my 4th of July and a bit of Obama-Mania. Overall, I’d give the day a “thumb’s up”.

I give Obama a Thumbs UP!

Some stats –
70 new voters registered (by computer)
several hundred absentee ballots requested by hand (I heard over 100 but not confirmed yet)
6 Medium tshirts left out of 200 shirts.
4000 Balloons given out
thousands of pins and bumper stickers – no idea how many -were sold. We only have about 200 left – and started with a full box.
Oh – on a side note – a couple articles that might be of interest –
Local Magazine on Amerikafest
Article on the New US Embassy to Germany (and History)
My Article for Now Public

And More photos are on my flickr site here, or Karen’s site here
Finally, Barack Obama is coming to Germany the end of July. Per the Spiegel, he’s thinking of doing a speech in front of the Brandenburg Gate. If he does, I’m taking the day off, to go see the Myth, the Man, the Mystery himself. OBAMA!


Dinner with Barack anyone?

How Cool is this?
For the next week – anyone who donates money to the Barack Obama Campaign will be put into a drawing to have dinner with the man himself. Yes, folks, fly you in, be one of 4 to sit down and discuss with him what you feel needs to happen in the US.
So, take the chance, donate now (even if it’s just $5) – and who knows, you might just get to meet and have dinner with the future President of the USA.
Oh – and if you do win, and you do get to meet him, pick me up an autograph- would you?