Sunny day, 5:45 pm, a camera and a dog walk which resulted in the only thing to catch my eye….
Slowly But Surely… it’s coming together….
Well, my idea of getting noticed for Photography is slowly taking off. I’ve of course, got my Flickr Site, but being that I have photographed the area I live in, it’s kind of nice to get noticed.
The local Travel guide at:
has asked to use my photo of the local Teltow Museum house in their online publication.
It’ll have full attribution, and be something to maybe gain a few more hits toward my little “business”. I figure it’s a good thing, right? Some would say I should charge a fee for it, but I don’t know. Since I took this one mostly for me, I figure it’ll work out in the end.
No Rain, No Rainbows…
This week, I had Thursday off for Assention day, and Friday off because I work the weekend. It rained both days. We’re talking heavy downpours, thunder and lightening. While I admit that it was the cause for great sleep from Wednesday night into Thursday morning, by Friday afternoon, both myself and the dog were very stir crazy.
Around 18:30 pm, suddenly the sun came out, turning everything a beautiful waterlogged green. I grabbed the camera thinking to take some water droplet photographs and took the pup outside – only to find that the back of the building was dry and sunny – the front of the building was still in the middle of a downpour. Moral of the story?
No Rain……
No Rainbows.