Made it, and alive

The park near my flat.

Hi everyone!

Well, I have made it to Ireland and am still alive. My furniture has arrived, and I”m slowly getting unpacked. I’m enjoying life here, and am laughing at the fact that it seems that every other day I’m getting soaked going to or from work. It’s amusing from the “well, it’s Ireland – what the heck did I expect” perspective. I’m looking into getting a proper pair of Wellingtons (aka wellies – aka galoshes) and a good waterproof jacket so that I am at least partly dry in between each of the walks to/from work and home. Hopefully I’ll find one I like, that fits, and that isn’t too expensive very soon.

On other notes, I did get a little brief visit with my great aunt last weekend – she was in town for the start of 14 day tour. She’s doing quite well, and she took a few photographs of us while we were out to dinner in the city. On the bad side, I took a ton of photographs of the trip over ( 20 hours of driving, then some 57 hours on the ferry in 4 days as I went to Ireland, back to France to return the car, then back to Ireland again) and also of my first trip to the Guinness factory, and some initial shots of Dublin – only to promptly lose my camera. I’m not sure, but I think I left it in the back of a cab after seeing my Aunt – and am trying now desperately to retrieve it (or at least the card out of it) as futile a chance as it may be.

I do, however, have a new smart phone – which takes pictures and video and does 10,000 other things I haven’t figured out yet. It’s not a great camera, but I suppose it’ll be ok for the moment – until I get my big one unpacked and find the tripods among the multitude of boxes that still remain. So, without further adieu – here’s a few pictures from the park that is 3 blocks from my apartment – complete with large green spaces, plenty of trees, and a pond. Riddick is very happy with the park – and all the doggies he gets to meet in there. (Is it just me, or are Irish doggies more friendly than German ones?)

More of the park near my house

More of the park and one happy dog.

Anyhow, more on how I’m settling in and hopefully photos of the apartment soon – once I’m done unpacking.


Summer’s Bloom

Water lillies-in work pond

It’s in the 30c range again today. Not too hot but still summery. I got to enjoy a walk after lunch today around the pond (it was busy but not too busy) at work. It was quite pleasant – and I decided to whip out the cell phone and take some photos. Enjoy!

Cat tails and lily pads

Cat-tails, water lilies, and lily pads. Monet would be proud.


Great Graffiti

Generally speaking, I dislike the people who go around and vandalize everything here in Germany. It seems to be an epidemic – and unlike some places in the world – who promptly cover it up with paint (or repair work) and punish the people placing their mark out there — Germany seems to be more leniant (either not bothering to prosecute or if they do, it’s a fine and that’s it). Thus, there seems to be a large amount of interesting and somehow “art”-like graffiti that flows out of the creative minds of the local vandals – everywhere. And so, those that are doing this type of stuff are now (in my book at least) divided into two categories – the Taggers / Vandals – who just set out to put their horrible ugly mark on everything…. and the Graffiti artists.

Humor me if you will – the following is tagging/vandalism that I hate (this green WR of someone’s initials or handle or whatever) because it is just nothing – it’s ugly, it’s just there and has no visual quality that you can see other than just to annoy and cause me to want to go back and repaint / repair the windows, doors, tables, chairs, or whatever else that it has been put on:

Nurses Station Sign

However – the following is a short sample of some amazing graffiti art – that I’ve found all over Berlin (with labels), mostly in/around abandoned places – by unknown “artists” that seem to come back and/or have hours to spend spray painting – with out the worry of being BUSTED (where do they find the time to do this?):

Paint Can Art (full view)
“running spray can” at Weissensee Childrens Hospital
The Sweeper & his Broom
The Sweeper & His Broom (notice how the broom is actually incorporated) at Weissensee Childrens Hospital
5 Figures Graffiti
5 figures at Barenquell Abandoned Brewery

Anyhow, the thing is that over time, you realize that some of the work you’re seeing is “marked” somehow and/or all by the same graffiti artist. The style is the same, and the interesting thing is that believe it or not – some of them have actually gained a following. For example, one guy XooooX here in Germany is rather well known (photos below), and another “Banksy” in the UK has been here as well. To top it off once relatively known by their handle, you can find books where these more “famous” graffiti artworks are even MAPPED OUT for people to go and see. (Personally, I like just stumbling across it…)

XooooX of Paris
“XooooX Paris”

Barstool Girl graffiti
Barstool Girl by XooooX

Striped Sweater / Shorts gal
Striped Sweater / Shorts Girl by XooooX

Because of a sort of sick sense of pleasure and enjoyment in the discovery – over 4 years, I’ve become kind of aware of the pattern of some of the more consistent “artists” – and when I see it, I make sure to take a picture and add it to the set. Why? Well, because it could be covered up sometime – any time. And if you talk to the people putting it up there – that’s half the fun… creating a work of “art” that people see before it’s gone.

You can see my full graffiti art set (ever growing, in fact) by viewing the slideshow below:
