Damage Done By Worms

(AKA, 4 days of going with very little sleep). Wow What a weekend. I need a break from all the go go go, but hey, if my weekend is any consolation, at least I’m young enough to have enjoyed it completely. There will be 3 entries posted in one day (Jan 28) so forgive me y’all – I wrote it up but didn’t have time to post.
Friday Night was a concert up in Pankow (clear the north end of Berlin) put on by a friend of mine (Jay’s) Band. I decided that if I didn’t have a migraine (which didn’t return, thanks to my nice friend Jose) I’d go watch them perform. Having mentioned it to Scott, we wound up with 4 of us heading up to hear some fantastic psychobilly/ rockabilly. It was Me (American), Kat (Kiwi), Brenden (Kate’s friend- irish but living in scotland), and Scott (Norwegian).
How to describe psychobilly/ rockabilly.. well, the best description I can give is that it’s a little like the 1950’s style music – on crack. The way people dress for the concerts is like a combo of the 1940’s with goth makeup for the girls, and the 1950’s james dean look but with weird fantastically colored mohawks and wedges for the guys. Let’s just say that in some ways, the costuming of the folks is as amusing to watch as the bands themselves – mostly becauase they can’t decide if they’re punk, goth, or 1940s/1950’s. At any rate, the first band was horrible, and we all got to laughing as we started with a few drinks. During the process of the laughter, Scott and Brenden decided to yell a few “ye-haw’s” thusly earning themselves the nicknames of “Bubba” (for scott) and “Lou” for Brenden. Jay popped over to say hi and let us know that his band would be on by about 11pm, and let’s just say that when the first band was done (50 different lyrics over the same beat/music – I swear!) we were ecstatic.
When Jay’s band came on, we were quite pleased to see better performers, better singers, and actually the crowd getting into the music more. Amusingly, a mosh pit started in the middle of the dance floor (with shirtless guys trying to slam into one other, followed by lots of hugging and kissing and then beer guzzling and more – yep – whole other show in itself) with music that I was cracking up laughing at. Somehow, the idea of a group of guys trying to mosh to a cover of “Reno” by Johnny Cash struck me as funny. At any rate, by the time Damage Done By Worms was done, we had had a great time and cheered them on for more.
Jay, the band did a great job – and all of us agree – we will be happy to go back and cheer you on some more.
No, it wasn’t exactly what the other 3 were expecting, but once they heard y’all, they really did have a great time and are looking forward to more concerts….
And for the rest of you.. check out the music at:

Happy Hannukah!

Last Night was very cool. I headed over to JTW’s much anticipated Hannukah party. How he described it is much how it was. (Well.. except for the exotic fruit.. but we’ll get into that in a moment. ) A gathering of a bunch of non-Jewish folks to have latke, drinks, listen to some klezmer music and play with a dreidel. Oh and light a menorah. (because you have to have a menorah to call it a Haunnukah party.)

Pretty much, that was it. Only, at some point, some of the guests decided to go get some gluhwine mix (and sacrificed a few bottles of wine to the hot stove) and because money was leftover – some exotic fruits. Don’t ask me what any of them are, but I wound up getting photos of us trying a few – for better or worse – hideous face or quizzical expression.

Tasty... NOT!
Cecelia and Leah trying some strange fruit that turned out to be NOT so Tasty.
Chef Niall
Niall takes a break from preparing gluhwine (hot spiced wine served around the holidays here in Germany) and digs in to a bright pink fruit that resembles an onion on the outside.


Oh – we also got to catch part of a Riot at Hackesher Markt – from his 7th floor windows. Couldn’t see much, but the sounds, number of cop cars, ambulences and etc were impressive. Of course, that pretty much also explains WHY at midnight pretty much no one was at Alexanderplatz or Hackesher Market when that’s normally a highly traffic area due to clubs, bars, and various eating establishments.

Let's start a RIOT... Let's start a RIOT!
Finally, in honor of the holiday, I figured we should all sing a round of Adam Sandler’s most famous song…

Meanwhile, I’m going back to some exotic fruit. (UH GUys, are you sure I’m supposed to eat this? It looks like a hairy goat’s ball that’s been cut open….)
