Mardi Gras for Charity

Voodoo Mardi Gras for Charity Poster

Last Saturday, March 5, I worked with Fibbers on Ormond Quay to put together a New Orleans Style Voodoo Mardi Gras Party. The goal was to have some fun, and raise some money for Our Lady’s Children’s hospital (Crumlin) here in Dublin. For my friends in the US, they are essentially the equivalent of Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake, or Eggleston Children’s Hospital in Atlanta.

The Bar Servers

Jason, (Above center) the bar manager of Fibbers put together a great night – he organized the raffle, he got a fabulous band called T-bone, and printed off the poster and flyers for the event.

Mardi Gras Queen

Meanwhile, I did the poster (top) out of a bunch of creative commons images and some of my own from Mardi Gras, made the No Sew Voodoo dolls, and created the bar decorations including a pair of huge poster sized theater masks in frames, decorations to hang from the ceiling (about 20 violet music notes on yellow and green curved backgrounds), and purchased a bunch of masks that were supposed to arrive in time to decorate and sell with the price of admission. It was a lot of work, but in the end, it was worth it – we raised about 500 Euros – despite the hiccups. (The 80 masks and about half the beads didn’t come in time for the party, so we wound up raising all of the money solely through the raffle. Also, not all of the decorations got hung up because there wasn’t enough time in between the underage gig and our fund-raising event.)

Most of the pictures are up here in my Mardi Gras set.

I do have some video of the band to upload if I can get my video media maker working again, but it’s a bit dark, so it may not work. Otherwise, by the time I got home and to bed (nearly 4am Sunday morning) I was completely wrecked. Apparently, so was my Mardi Gras dog.

Tuckered Out

Here’s hoping your Mardi Gras was as successful and fun as mine!


Happy Holidays (take 2)

December 10th, my company hosted a black tie Christmas party (I’m one of the ladies in Red, naturally) with the theme of “Casino Royal”. While some people would say it’s a bit extreme cost wise for those attending, I personally spent ~200 euro for my dress, shoes, makeup, and everything. For me, that once a year cost of the outfit and really getting to go out on the town looking super-de-dooper. There’s plenty of pictures up on my flickr site that you can peruse through if you’re signed in and one of my contacts (click here). Otherwise, Here’s a few pictures for you…

Playing at Casino games

I’d like those chips now, please.

Table decorations

Our Menu.. of tasty goodness

Tony & Me looking Fab!

Dancing, Dancing, Dancing

Burning the Midnight (ok it was 3am when I got home) Oil

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Happy Holidays from this Miss Claus.


Sir Arthur Guinness Day = FREE BEER!

To Arthur!

Here in Ireland, less than two weeks in, I have to chuckle. It’s Sir Arthur Guinness Day, the day when everyone going to the pub gets a free pint of Guinness – for the toast at 17:59 PM (Yes, you did hear that right – FREE BEER!). It’s supposed to be a global toast – and there’s a big huge musical celebration at the Guinness factory for the event. Not only is it a huge musical event – it’s also televised live around the nation and shown in nearly every pub you can find. My video is a bit dark (it was in the pub, of course) but it gives you an idea of the happenings…

Why are we toasting at 1759 you ask? The reason is because it was 251 years ago, in 1759, on September 23 (or 24th) that Sir Arthur Guinness signed a 9,000 year lease on the right to make Guinness Brew itself. Ever since, the dark ruby red liquid has been brewed at St. James Gate brewery here in Dublin. Apparently, the brew is known around the world and is synonymous with “Ireland”, and the brilliant marketing people at Guinness started this “tradition” with the 250th birthday. Now, it’s an excuse to go to the pub, get a free brew (and then pay for a few more) and hang out with friends.

So, Here’s to Arthur, on the 251st anniversary of Guinness…


It’s just too bad that I.Don’t.Like.Guinness. No really. I took the beer, drank a couple swallows at the toast, and then gave it away to those who actually enjoy it. Then, I went and ate dinner and had a diet coke. Just don’t tell anyone, ok? 😛

Free Guinness for the Toast!
