Obama’s in Berlin Tomorrow

After much waiting, it’s been decided. Obama will make his speech at the Winged Victory Monument at 7PM here in Berlin.
Winged Victory
I’m so excited. Barack Obama is my candidate of choice, he’s inspirational, and a lovely orator. And not only will I be there to hear and see the speech, I’ll be volunteering for the Obama Campaign. I’m not sure if I’ll be doing crowd control, handing out flyers and/or balloons or just what yet, but whatever it is, I’m so there – and in my Obama girl outfit. Either way, this is my ONE chance to see him speak in person – and I’m taking it. Now, I’m just hoping that it’s all I want it to be.
In the meantime, here’s a lovely op-ed piece by William Kristol to chew over – in anticipation of what Obama may be pontificating at the monument.
More either Tomorrow or Friday – and hopefully with Pictures…..

Dinner with Barack anyone?

How Cool is this?
For the next week – anyone who donates money to the Barack Obama Campaign will be put into a drawing to have dinner with the man himself. Yes, folks, fly you in, be one of 4 to sit down and discuss with him what you feel needs to happen in the US.
So, take the chance, donate now (even if it’s just $5) – and who knows, you might just get to meet and have dinner with the future President of the USA.
Oh – and if you do win, and you do get to meet him, pick me up an autograph- would you?