A Penny For My Thoughts

Magdeburg was great yesterday – I’ll blog once I have the 400 pictures I took processed. No, not all of them came out, but I have some good thoughts to share about my little day trip.

Meanwhile, I thought I’d share this nice little blerb – which (knock me over with a feather) aired originally on Fox News. Truly, this says so much about the state of the American government – and what our politicians and leaders in office are doing. It counts as a Penny for his thoughts – and a Penny for mine… because it truly reflects what I think too. I guess that makes it worth a full 2 cents.

I guess my question is – WHY as AMERICANS are WE NOT OUTRAGED? I know I am – and I’m living abroad because I can’t stand the way things are being done in my own country. I deal with very subtile Racism, genderism, a glass celing and a very real dislike of “auslanders” (foreigners) here in Germany – but honestly, I feel safer, more protected, and less like the German government is out to get me – than I currently do in the USA. What does that say – overall? Somewhere along the line, Germans seem to have more COMMON SENSE than those in the USA – despite the bureaucracy, despite the subtle racism, despite everything.

Things that make you go humm….Time for a Change – Attitude adjustment – via VOTES. If that doesn’t work? well… I’m sure as a population we’ll force an attitude adjustment and make that change.

Train Wreck in Progress – please hold on…

With all the recent press coverage over Brittney Spears, Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan to name a few, you’d think there couldn’t possibly be another Train Wreck in progress. Unfortunately, much like Anna Nicole Smith (whose life was an absolute train wreck… and her kids have really paid a huge price) it appears that we’ve got another talented young lady whose life seems to be going down the tubes – and rather quickly….

Amy Winehouse. Last night’s performance at the EMA (european music awards) 2007 in Munich was carried live on MTV here. Since there wasn’t much else on, I figured I’d tune in. All I can say is that the back up dancers did a nice job trying to cover up just how messed up Amy was. Since I’m not sure you saw it – (can anyone tell me what the lyrics really were?) – I thought I’d post it in my blog.

In the meantime, PLEASE SOMEONE – GET THIS GIRL SOME HELP. She really needs it, and we don’t need another train wreck in progress.

On a side note – I’m off to Magdeberg today – so I’m sure I’ll have a ton of pictures up soon.
