A Fond Farewell…

A fond farewell...

A fond farewell to my favorite pair of ear clip headphones, which finally developed a non fixable short in the base. I’ve had them since 2005, used them daily (on computers/mp3/walking the dog and bike riding). They’ve served me well and lasted longer than any other pair I’ve ever had.

I looked and looked, and had to go to amazon’s “old” stock to find a replacement pair because Sony’s “upgrade” to the MDR-Q22 was actually worse than the original. The replacement arrived today.

Farewell, and Adieu to my old headphones. You’ve served me well and will now be used for “parts”.

PS. If you want a really great pair of headphones, look for the Sony MDR-Q22 – if you can find it… and Maybe… someday, Sony will “reinstate” their production.


Traveling to a New Adventure!

In the words of Tom Petty – “Time to move on.. Time to get going…”

(ok so it’s a cover of the original b/c I can’t find the original).

Today’s the day. Good Bye Germany…. Hello Belgium, then France, then Ireland!

Road Trip

Thus begins the 12 + hour long drive from Germany, Across Belgium, Into France, and over to Cherbourg. Then, on my dad’s 60th Birthday (Sept 8th ) at 6pm, I have to be on a ferry for 19 hours to Rosslaire, Ireland. From there its another 3-4 hours to Dublin. Yep a long Road Trip.

Thus, In honor of all of the driving with my traveling companions, I thought that some music may be appropriate….

Another Traveling Song by Bright Eyes

Yep, here goes nothing (again)…. Not like I’ve been here before or anything… 🙂 How many times does this make it that I’ve gotten rid of everything to start over in a completely new place now? Um… by my count – at least 5.

1) Russia, 2) NY, 3) UT, 4) Germany, 5) Ireland

Guess that’s why they call them “Gypsy Feet”…

Gypsy Feet by Jim Reeves

I guess expect more soon, perhaps a few uploads from the camera phone of interesting things along the way, and hopefully some great stories of the latest and greatest adventure in my life….


Ireland by Garth Brooks



One thing about Germany is that it’s huge into Football (Soccer). Today, they had the quarter final match against Argentina. Against all the odds, they won – 4-0. I could hear my neighbors in the building cheering, the vuvuzelas going, and fireworks being shot off for each goal. Everyone is quite pleased when the German players win – and being that this is a very young team – even happier when it’s against a powerhouse like Argentina. Let’s just say that as a non football fan, it’s very difficult to NOT get caught up in the fever. I was here 4 years ago when Germany hosted the world cup – and remember the craziness then.

This time around, we’re going to the Semi – FINALE!! It’s not sure yet who it is we’re playing against – but … That’s just fine. I too am getting caught up in the enthusiasm and am rather enjoying seeing everyone walking around in Black, Red, and Gold – along with the flags. So, in brief honor of their win today, I thought I’d introduce you to a bit of the German football culture – in the form of a song which everyone has been singing today:

Lyrics (with my rough translation):


1 und 2 und 3 und 54, 74, 90, 2010 (1 and 2 and 3 and 54, 74, 90, and 2010)
ja so stimmen wir alle ein. (Yes, we are all together one)
Mit dem Herz in der Hand und der Leidenschaft im Bein, (with our hearts in our hands and the passion in our feet)
werden wir Weltmeister sein.(we want to be the world champions!)

Wir haben nicht die höchste Spielkultur. (we don’t have best known playing culture)
Sind nicht gerade filigrant. (but we’re not flagrant)
Doch wir haben Träume und Visionen (Yes we have dreams and visions)
und in der Hinterhand ‘nen Master Plan. (and a way for our master plan)
FĂĽr unseren langen Weg aus der Krise (which will take away the crisis)
und aus der Depression, (and remove from depression,)
lautet die Devise: Nichts wie rauf auf den FuĂźballthron! (we believe there’s nothing like the football throne!)

Die ganze Welt greift nach dem goldenen Pokal,(The whole world reaches for the golden cup)
Am Kap der Guten Hoffnung probieren wir´s nochmal (At the cape of good hope we’re trying again)
Wir als Gast in SĂĽdafrika (we’re all guests in South Africa)
Wird unser Traum dann endlich wahr.(where our dream becomes reality.)

Beim ersten mal war’s n Wunder, (First time’s a miracle)
Beim zweiten mal war’s GlĂĽck, (The second’s with luck)
Beim dritten mal der verdiente Lohn (The third is earned)
Und des nächste mal wird`s ne Sensation (and finally world sensation…)
