On April 25, in the pouring down rain, I headed into Dublin City, near an area called Smithfield Market. I met up with my friend S, and we headed to brunch at Wuff. We met up at 10 AM, and despite the pouring down rain, our spirits were high as we chowed down on Eggs Bennedict and a gorgeous Belgian waffle. We were about to help make history.

In Ireland, on May 22, 2015 is a national referendum in support of Marriage Equality. The passage of the referendum (a Yes vote) will allow for LGBT couples to get legally married in Ireland. My company, and my personal beliefs fully support this yes vote – as I think that each adult should have the opportunity to marry and commit should they wish to do so.

What does this ticket and the statement above have to do with setting a Guinness world record?

Well, my company, eBay, has a Social Innovation team. That team, in association with the USI (the Union of Students in Ireland) encouraged us to take part in the USI Big Love Campaign for marriage equality. It’s really quite simple – participants stand together, making the shape of the one symbol which means ‘love’ all around the world while attempting to set the Guinness World Record for the largest human image of a love-heart.

Around 11:30, S and I dashed over to Oscar’s Bar & Restaurant in Smithfield to meet up with the rest of the social innovation team. It was still raining, and we all fell into the seating area (shaking off the damp) with the need of hot tea and coffee. Once we gathered, starting around noon, participants lined up around the market square and started receiving ponchos,red tshirts, leaflets and bracelets.

After listing to some music and some speakers in support of the Yes Vote, over the course of the next hour we were filed into the center of market square and gradually formed the love heart from the bottom up. Formation complete, we heard one last song, cheered lots, and had pictures made by several groups that were up on the telephone box lifts.

So, did we set a world record? Yes, we did. Over 450 people came out (despite the rain – we were soaked through by the end) and made the love heart. Here’s hoping that the Yes Vote passes on May 22nd!

Here’s hoping that the Yes Vote passes on May 22nd! After all, all you need is love.