Tree Planting Day

This way to the Trees!

The local Waterville Park a few blocks from my house is still a work in progress. They’re still adding benches, building workout equpment, and doing some landscaping. On Saturday, March 10, the county council and Ikea hosted a party where everyone in the community could come out and plant trees along the freeway.
Planting trees along the freeway

Great marketing – because Ikea had a raffle (I won a computer backpack filled with goodies), face painting, and provided the trees. The County council provided the equipment and 3 organisers for a few hours.

The first one's almost done

And the community came out and provided their shovels and labor to make the park more beautiful! I got to see some neighbors and their kids – whom I hadn’t seen since last fall. The best was that I had got to invite my friend H and her daughter, C to come have some fun “playing in the dirt”. All told, we planted two trees – the first one, Charlotte and I did – and the second – Charlotte planted by herself!

I'll dig the 2nd one!
Hop on the shovel like a pogo stick

All in all, it was a great day out – planting trees, and adding a bit back to the park that we enjoy so much.

Like an ad for a shovel!

Yay! Trees!

I love Trees!
