Today’s episode in the life of a girl, her dog and a 2 year journey, brought to you by 2 lovely liters of strawberry daquerries between 3 ladies. (Watch as chaos ensues the next morning…)
After the Opera on Friday, I came home and managed to get 3 – yes 3 whole hours of sleep. I had mentioned that we should do a girls night or something, and on Saturday, Leah came up with a game plan. (Thanks sweetie!) We (Leah, Cecelia and I) were going to have strawberry daqueris, mexican food and go stroll up the ku’damm for the long night of shopping. Then, they would meet up with the guys (who were attending a concert) later and go on to a birthday party. (At which point I would head home since I had to work on Sunday.)
Now, forgetting that I had only had 3 hours of sleep (and feeling pretty good at 9 am on Saturday morning) I figured Yeah… that’ll be great. (mistake 1.) By 2pm that afternoon, I was fading fast. By 6 (time to leave work) I was exhausted, but figured I’d said yes, we’ll met up at 7:30pm and go out. I’m hungry anyhow, so it’s not a big deal.
Somewhere between 7:45 (when I made the restaurant) and started drinking daqueris (viola – mistake 2), and 9:30 pm (we ate dinner – Excellent Fajitas) we enjoyed the restaurant and had a good time just chatting and gossiping. I told the story of my Russian adventure in the black sea and winding up slightly sobering up in a glider over the sea (I’m still not quite sure how they got me in that thing!) and trying not to puke – at which point Cecelia got to laughing so hard she spilled her Daqueri on the table, which, of course, only made us laugh harder and prompted us (still giggling the whole way) to pay and leave.
With dinner over, (and feeling pretty good – let’s face it) we decided to head up to the Ku’Damm. This is the biggest shopping street in Berlin with everything from H&M to KaDeWe. It’s basically just shop after shop after shop of goodies. They had this thing called the “late night” where the stores were open till midnight and had special novelties (music, little kiosks for food along the street, high school drum bands) set up to enjoy. It was fun, and we took a bunch of pictures, goofed off, and etc.
Anyhow, I left and headed home, figuring that with the time change, I should get there before I was needed to be on call. (Things will surely go wrong – they have for 8 years, why not keep up the trend, right?) I made it home by about 1 am, and proceeded to upload the pictures I’d taken because I wanted the camera for Sunday. I’ll be honest, I was really tired by now, and I had had a little buzz still going (mostly sobered up though). My logic was that I’d go ahead and set back some clocks in the apartment before I went to sleep. It’s reasonable, right? WRONG. Let’s just say recipe for disaster – a-la mistake 3.
So, I started setting clocks back. I got the one in the bathroom, the living room, and the bedroom. I didn’t, however, get the one in the kitchen or my cell phone. That being said, I knew that my cell phone didn’t automatically change – so I was going to use that as my “backup” since I knew from last time that at least one (but not sure which one) clock had automatically switched before.
I went to bed – about 1:45am, and was sound asleep until the alarm. It went off, I got up, glanced at it (clock in bedroom) and yep, it said 6:30 am. It’s light outside, and I figure yeah – no big deal. Time change. Rubbing my eyes, and padding through the house, I see the clock in the kitchen says 7:30. The clock on the TV says 7:30. My cell phone says 8:30, the clock in the bathroom says 6:30. CRAP. Two clocks I set back automatically set themselves back. GODDAMN. I’m late, and missed my bus.
I hop on the computer (it says 7:30) and proceed to update it to make sure it’s really 730. Yep… *sigh*
I get ready for work anyhow and made it in by 9 am on the work computer.
Lesson Learned?
Don’t try to set your clocks back. EVER. Just wait until the morning after. Then, take the lowest hour and put that on EVERY clock. This way, you don’t wonder what time it is with 3 clocks displaying different times.
*checks her hair color* Nope, still red-brown. Guess that means I just had a blonde moment back there.

The greatest word in the English Language

Living abroad is a lot of fun. One of the best things is coming to a realization that even when a population (and/or individual) doesn’t speak your language, there’s pretty much always 1 word they do. Some people like to use this word to impress you. Some people like to use this word to express other things (anger, hatred, etc)

In my case, I think this video explains it all. I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes because this is so true…..


Lost in Translation (take 5)

Today’s lost in Translation is brought to you by the Japanese.
Check out the article at:
The jist of the article is really amusing. Basically, they have less that 7% of the crime of the USA , but the Japanese sensationalist media has made it so that the Japanese are afraid of everything. (Gee.. sounds like what our government is trying to do to us…but another day…) As a result, there are new “edgy” fashion designers creating purses that look like manhole covers (afraid of getting stolen? put it on the street – the crook will NEVER notice..) , sheets that if a woman is being followed she can “throw over her head” to look like a vending machine (now there’s a hideout for ya ), a backpack that expands in to the fire hydrant look (for children being followed) and other really amusing creations.
Even if you don’t want to read the article, it’s worth looking just for the pictures of people “wearing” their hiding place. (Say, why does that coke machine have feet, anyhow?!?)
As an American who has been trained to fight back (where as the Japanese simply would rather not create a scene) this is one of those things that qualifies as….
Lost in Translation.
** All Photos used here are property of the AP and NOT taken by me. I have no claim on them whatsoever, and fully reccomend you read the article and view the slide show. **