
Ok, I finally did it – I broke down and got a copy of Adobe Lightroom.  With over 3000 pictures behind in my “storage” (I’ve been gone travelling almost every weekend since May, and when I haven’t been gone on day trips, I’ve been out being social and/or trying to just clean enough stuff to get by for the next week.)  this has been very cool to learn.  It allows for some bulk editing of photos, which means that I may be able to catch up to editing and getting pictures online for you to view. 

Over the weekend I have put up the pictures from Schwerin (link to flickr set here), where this year’s Buga (one of germany’s biggest) landscape and garden show was held.  The photography group I’m a part of made a very long day trip up on May 2nd – and the weather was absolutely perfect.   Clear blue skies, a light breeze and sun sun sun.  Add to it the Tulips being in full bloom, and I was a happy girl because I could get great photos – and also a few new ideas for my dad’s business back in the states.

A couple highlights (some are available for print – if you’re interested):

IMGP9915ed Schwerin Castle

IMGP9996 Castle’s landscaped beds

Tea Garden
The back is a conservatory/tea garden that was built out – the top is the upper gardens that walk around to where I’m standing for the photograph – on a huge columnade platform that has a walking area and sculptures. My back is to the Schwerin Harbor (beautiful!). To my Left is a man made island – and to my right – a man made grotto where the waves break.

Private Island
Private Island

Man Made Grotto (outside)
Man Made Grotto

Best of all, though – were the flowers:

And the Romantic Fairy-ringed Tree:

Fairy Tree

So, from me and my dog who went, I wish you all the best!


Motorcycles and Mechanics

One of the neat things about the open day of mills was that some of the small towns went all out for their festivities. In Saalow, Germany, for example, home of the only internal turbine mill (see previous blog) they had a ton of old East German farm equipment and some beautiful old East German motorcycles that were on display. While they had nothing to do with the mill, I did take the opportunity to get some pictures of what was available.

Old Tractors from East Germany.

East German Bulldozer & road equipment


Motorcycles in a row




Simson Motorcycles (more about them on Wikipedia here)

I have to say that the motorcycles remind me a bit of the classic Indian style motorcycles, but it was a treat to see them in person and have the chance for a few photos.


Pergamon Museum from 3/26/09

(Old MySpace Import, so not all links may work!)

Ahh I’m so behind.  I had a week off on holidays – and still have
pictures from my birthday trip to process.  However, due to a request
from the photo group – I’m trying to get the ones from the photo group
processed and up first.   So, thus the reason for multiple back-dated
blog posts on the same day.  (no, it’s not your eyes – I really did
enter these in May… but out of my diary from April.)

start with Just after the birthday trip.  I got back home on March 18th
and started back to work.  The weekend after I got back, a friend of
mine, Tony was in town. No time off from life for me!  This always
results in alot of running around Berlin, dinners, and so on.  Anyhow,
as a team event, we went to the Pergamon Museum.  Most of the photos I
don’t like – but since he didn’t have a camera, I thought I’d take a
few just to try and show the size and scale of the place.

They’re up at on Flickr in My Pergamon Museum Set.

Just for the sheer size comparison, these are the ones I picked as “the
best”. Seriously – if you ever get to Berlin, this is one place you
just can’t miss because it is what it is – the rape of the treasures of
several countries, dismantled and rebuilt in a specially designed

Temple of Athena
Tony with the goddess Athena (greek)

Ishtar gate (babylon)
Tony – in front of the Ishtar Gate (of Babylon. Yes, this was an entire
dismantle and move into this specially built museum building. (Iraqi)

Temple of Pergamon

The Temple of Pergamon – (greek) yes, those are people on the steps,
and yes, again this was an entire dismantle and move into this
specially built museum building.

Roman Walls
3 story high outside of a Roman house – with tile mosiac (around which you have to walk) and speaking platform – below:

Roman Speaking Platform

Notice the mosiac at the bottom…of this picture.
