Red & Black Scarf and Hat Crochet Set

Completed 2/2014 - Red and Black Basket Weave Crochet Hat and Scarf Set. #crochet #hat #scarf #handmade #handicraft #winter #craft

After my post on Facebook about the gorgeous bottle green crochet set, my aunt asked me to make a set for her in red and black. It took me a few days to get everything in my brain and think about how to mix the colors, and this is what I came up with – a red and black basket weave crochet set – with a little flower on the beanie.

red & black basket weave crochet set

red & black basket weave crochet set

I like how the color play almost makes the stripes look like little dots and dashes – it makes it very eye catching and reminds me somehow of a ladybug.

red & black basket weave crochet set

Add the girly flower to the hat and well… I think it turned out quite lovely. Hope my Aunt likes it!

red & black basket weave crochet set

Want one yourself? Ask for a custom order from my Etsy store!

red & black basket weave crochet set


Reddit Secret Santa – crochet hat & scarf

Orange & Violet Disks

For Christmas, I decided to participate in the world’s largest Secret Santa gift exchange via Reddit. When I got the person who I was going to play secret santa for, it mentioned that she liked violet and orange. So, being a lady who loves to crochet, I found some gorgeous mottled yarn that went from a bright pink to orange to a lovely violet and got to work on a hat and scarf set. Loving a challenge, I also decided to try a new stitch – the yo-yo crochet stitch (typically used for blankets) and see how it would work out for scarves and on hats. I think they turned out pretty neat.

Scarf closeup

hat closeup

Hat closeup 2

Snowflake closeup

Crochet hat and scarf set completed 12/2013. Colors - orange, mixed, violet. Stitch- yoyo and double crochet. Self designed pattern. #crochetpattern #handmade #handicraft #crafts #crochet #creative #design
completed 12/2013

In the end, the gift seemed to be a hit. 🙂


If you liked this – you may want to check out my ETSY shop for more fabulous stuff I’ve made and put up for sale. For a small sample, check out the mini gallery below:
