This Megalithic monument was built in the bronze age, and is a wedge tomb with a 6m (20 foot) long Gallery that has 8 large stones on each side. It goes from approximately 1m (3 foot) wide to 1.5 m (5 feet) wide at the far end where the septal or roof-cap stone delicately balances on razor thin edges of the bottom stones.

Irish legend tells us that this wedge tomb is the burial place of the Scottish Giant Parrah Boug MacShagean; “Great Yellow Para, son of (Shadin)Seoidín” who came to challenge the local Irish Giant named Fionn Mac Cool to combat. Upon meeting Fionn’s wife, Parrah asked her where and what Fin normally ate. Fin’s wife pointed out a bull and said that Fin normally killed a cow, roasted and ate it. Immediately, Parrah went and did the same. Once Parrah had eaten his fill, he was thirsty and went to the nearby river to slake his thurst while still waiting on Fin to return home. Little did Parrah know, Fin had seen Parrah and had poisoned the nearby river, resulting in Parrah’s death.@phoenixrosedsgn #Proleek Wedge tomb #megalithic #Ireland #discoverireland #irishtiktok #exploreireland #history #legend #giant #celtic #January #sunshine ♬ Guitar instrument pop – Margarita
A short walk away is the Proleek Dolmen, or portal tomb which I’ll tell you about in part 2, tomorrow.