Also from Michael – the translation of that banner in the last picture is “do you know your neighobor? They could be a nazi!”
Happy May Day!
Now, here in Berlin, the people celebrate May Day. They have a festival in Kreuzberg – and it’s got music, dancing and so on. Kreuzberg is a section of Berlin, and it’s known to have a huge turkish immigrant community. During the day, the festival is relatively calm, packed with people drinking, shopping, and just doing what people do at a festival. At night however, this is known as a dangerous area to be.
The Reason? Traditionally, the anarchists show up and start riots. Yep, Riots. They tip cars over, set them on fire, throw molitov coctails, rocks, spray paint buildings…. shoot off fireworks at each other and have a general rowdy good time. Now, I will admit I’ve never been a part of a riot, (probabally not a good idea) but I am kind of interested in trying to go down there and get some film footage and/or photos (you know— as safely as possible) . Thing is that I do have to work today – so it probabally wont happen (that I get down there). I will note that I’ve seen advertisments on youtube promoting the riots for this year (and even saying where they will be) and providing old footage of others – apparently it’s at 18:00 PM tonight – at some point during a protest march…
Watching Paint Dry
I’m sitting here, at home, watching paint dry on my windows. Typical Germany, I had to take an entire day off to let the guys caulk and paint the inside and outside of 2 windows. (Ok he IS working the entire building – but.. it shouldn’t take 2 hours for 2 windows, then 3 hours to dry and 2 more hours to come back and do a second coat…)
On the bright side, it’s gorgeous weather outside (I’m trying to keep the dog from dashing out there and running away…) with sun and no breeze. It’s even warm enough where you’re comfortable in a t-shirt.
So, picture me sitting outside, on the patio sofa cross legged with my laptop strung out the door. The pup is sitting in the grass sunning himself, and I’m editing photos from Ireland among other places.
In the background, I have the TV turned on – and they’ve started with the hour of country music on viva. Not a bad thing… until this: