Hilarious UK / Ireland TV advertisements (cats)

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Through the Wall for Dreamies

Living in Germany, there was a distinct lack of TV ads that caught my attention (not to mention a distinct lack of “good” locally made TV programs). The move to Ireland has been an interesting one – especially because I not only have TV cable included as a part of my phone and internet, but also because it came with a TiVo type device.

Parkour Cat Lives for Quality Meat

This means that I’ve been catching up on TV shows while cleaning house and blogging a bit. Every once in a while, I catch an ad – that results in me pausing / looking up, and bursting into bouts of laughter. They really do have some cute ads here, and I think some of the funniest I’ve seen in a while. As a result, I have decided to start keeping tabs to share these. Today’s theme… cats… I hope you enjoy!

Cats With Thumbs


Homemade Valentines

Here in Ireland, they celebrate Valentine’s day differently than the states. Basically, it’s a day for couples – and not so much the day where you show appreciation for everyone that you love.

In the spirit of America’s “kids”, I decided to make some homemade Valentines for my colleagues at work. The goal was to make them as punny/cheesy as possible because they’d all heard of “school” style Valentines Day from having watched the Simpsons. (I choo-choo-choose you, Valentine.) I also included some candy hearts with each one, and would like to think that it made them smile at the corny-ness of it all.

Without further adieu, the Valentines – made out of cardstock, decorations, and my own sad sense of humor.

set of 4

First Set of 4 all say:
“Valentine, I Dig You!”
“Bee Mine”
“Valentine, I Ad-ROAR You!”
“Valentine You’re a Star!”

Second Set of 4:

Second set of 4

Valentine I’m Falling For You!
No Bones About it – You’re My Valentine!
Daisies just wouldn’t be the same without you, Valentine!
Valentine – You set My Heart A “flutter”.

Here’s hoping your Valentine’s was as filled with love as mine!
