Casa Mia

After the movers came and picked everything up, Kate and I spent a day cleaning the old apartment and getting everything ready for the painters to come in. As a reward for all of our hard work – I went to my favorite local Italian restaurant in Teltow for the last time – Casa Mia. We had a great meal.

Waiting on the meal
Waiting outside on the patio for food.

Bruschetta Yummyness!
Bruschetta and Italian Olives on Crusty bread

Broccoli & "italian" bacon au-gratin
Broccoli & Italian Bacon Au-Gratin

Tortalini filled with turkey and mango in a saffron butter sauce
My Main course – Tortellini filled with turkey and mango in a saffron butter sauce
Shrimp and cheese filled black noodles
Kate’s Main course – Shrimp and Cheese filled black noodles

Kate digs in
Kate digging in

And for Dessert

Tiramisu and a Cappuccino
Tiramisu and a Cappuccino.

After that, I was so full, and realized that I’m gonna miss their homemade pasta and the best Tiramisu ever!


Happy Hannukah!

Last Night was very cool. I headed over to JTW’s much anticipated Hannukah party. How he described it is much how it was. (Well.. except for the exotic fruit.. but we’ll get into that in a moment. ) A gathering of a bunch of non-Jewish folks to have latke, drinks, listen to some klezmer music and play with a dreidel. Oh and light a menorah. (because you have to have a menorah to call it a Haunnukah party.)

Pretty much, that was it. Only, at some point, some of the guests decided to go get some gluhwine mix (and sacrificed a few bottles of wine to the hot stove) and because money was leftover – some exotic fruits. Don’t ask me what any of them are, but I wound up getting photos of us trying a few – for better or worse – hideous face or quizzical expression.

Tasty... NOT!
Cecelia and Leah trying some strange fruit that turned out to be NOT so Tasty.
Chef Niall
Niall takes a break from preparing gluhwine (hot spiced wine served around the holidays here in Germany) and digs in to a bright pink fruit that resembles an onion on the outside.


Oh – we also got to catch part of a Riot at Hackesher Markt – from his 7th floor windows. Couldn’t see much, but the sounds, number of cop cars, ambulences and etc were impressive. Of course, that pretty much also explains WHY at midnight pretty much no one was at Alexanderplatz or Hackesher Market when that’s normally a highly traffic area due to clubs, bars, and various eating establishments.

Let's start a RIOT... Let's start a RIOT!
Finally, in honor of the holiday, I figured we should all sing a round of Adam Sandler’s most famous song…

Meanwhile, I’m going back to some exotic fruit. (UH GUys, are you sure I’m supposed to eat this? It looks like a hairy goat’s ball that’s been cut open….)
