Everest Part 8 – The final day

Team Back Down Last Day

Great News! Today is the last day of the Everest Walking competition and my team has made it to the bottom of the mountain.
As a Team, we’re currently ranked in 7th Place. The impressive part (remember that in the screenshot, only the top 3 on the team are averaged) for 6 people is this we’ve walked 2,680,488 steps between us. Yes, that’s over 2.6 million steps. When you do the math, here’s how it worked out –

2144 km – we have walked the distance between Dublin, Ireland and Malaga, Spain and back again!

Last Day - halfway down

On a personal level, and out of 700 competitors, I’m number 103. πŸ™‚ It’s been a great competition. My personal totals up to today – 433,623 steps which is about 216 miles… Basically, I’ve walked the distance between Dublin, Ireland and Edinburgh, Scotland in 40 days.

Not half bad, if I do say so myself!

Update: 08/08/2012 – With all this walking – my team got 700 Euros for the charity of our choice! Hooray!


Everest Part 6 / Day 20 / Camp IV


I’m 20 days into the Everest Challenge and we’re halfway through.


I’m the one in red, and I’m almost to the Summit.

Steps taken: 225,600

That translates to about 115 miles – that’s the Distance between Dublin and Waterford! With 20 days left to go, I’m sure to reach the summit and hopefully make it back down all for charity!
On a side note, as team captain, I just wanted to point out my team map:

Day 20 - Team Everest Top!

It’s Day 20, and not only did my team together make the top of Everest – we are now also ranked #6 out of the Entire company. The top 5 teams get the money for charity, so now the real race begins – to get into the top 5 AND back down the figurative mountain in the next 20 days! Go Team Mixed-A-Peel!
