A bit of retro blogging today, since I wanted to get some posts up of completed projects from around Christmas time (now that everyone’s received their gifts).

Sometimes you find great yarn on sale, and buy it with no plans on what to make. Just before Thanksgiving, I found some fabulous loose spun chunky charcoal grey wool which had little bright pink flecks in the local yarn shop which was on sale for 2 euros a skein. I liked the texture of it, and thought hey, 2 euros a skein, let’s pick up as many of those as they have. 6 skeins later and it was added into my stash. There it sat.
And then, it got cold, as usually happens in December. And I got ill. And when I’m ill, I just want a hat for my head to help keep me warm. Out of that – came my inspiration to make a hat… and that brings us forward to today’s post – a gorgeous slouchy hat.

Now what to do with the rest of the skeins? well, I think I’m going to try to make a matching poncho out of Simply Crochet issue #26. Wish me luck.