Yesterday was hot – 40 C (over 100 f) – and after lounging about all day thinking “too hot to move”, I decided to get off my lazy ass and head into the city. There was a BEER GARTEN calling my name – and Germany’s third place football game.
After a few missed attempts at making a meet up with friends, I decided to grab the 2 balls of yarn given to me by Frisca to crochet a top for her and head out anyhow. I had some ideas for a self designed pattern and figured I’d work on that, have a couple drinks, some dinner, and watch the match. In the end, Jade called and we met up at the Schleusenkrug Beer Garden about an hour and a half before the game.

Thank Goodness we were that early – we got a great table under the canopy (out of the sun) and right next to the big TV and with the bathrooms not far away. It was great – and we were set. Until I saw the prices. 6 euro for a coke, and 8 for a beer. (talk about rape, pillage and plunder on a hot day!!) This place isn’t normally so expensive – but after talking it out, we decided to stay – because we figured we were paying for the location – and we wouldn’t find any place cooler, with a great view, and the possibility of some sort of breeze off the river.
The game started at 8:30pm, and the announcer said it was 10 C in South Africa, which was quite cold for there. Here it was still 38c and the newscaster said it had gotten up to 50 in Stuttgart and Munich. This made us all laugh (or we would have cried) because we thought we could give South Africa 15 of our degrees and we’d both be comfortable. Now.. where do we put in that request?

The first half of the match, I started my crochet project, donned the German colors, set my Vuvuzela on the table (to be able to play it when we scored), and took a few photos of the crowd around me. Soon, it was tied 1-1, and we were all on the edge of our seats, cheering, praying, and like the guy at our shared table (that’s what you do here – you share big long tables with strangers – it’s brilliant!) jumping up and yelling at the team (like they can hear you in South Africa man!).

Not long after the tie, we got a nice little visit on the river. You see, right in front of the cafe is a lock, where the tourist ships go through, waiting for the water level to be lowered before continuing around the city. The funny thing about it is that the ship pulled up, and stopped. As I watched it pull up, I saw nearly everyone male come running up from the downstairs (even a couple kids wearing Deutschland t-shirts) – and from the front of the boat to the rear. Why? Because from the end of the boat, they could see the match on the TVs at our beer garden.

Immediately, a few ship passengers asked “what’s the score?!?” and replies were made to the passengers. I got quite a chuckle out of this, because Jade and I looked at each other – knowing that the men were German, and their wives had talked them into the Dinner tour – thus, making them miss out on the biggest football game of the year! I felt a little bad, but I can totally relate!

After the break, the game resumed – and was promptly tied – 2 to 2. Jade noticed I was the only one with a horn. Silly Americans – but it had to be done – it’s the last time I get to use it this year. But now, it was time to hold our breath, and hope because we went into overtime and it was still anybodys game…

and then.. after much praying and hoping on the part of the crowd – and alot of hard work from the players….

The place erupted with cheers and high 5’s – we had just won – 3:2 against Uruguay – Third place! The Octopus* was right.
*For those of you who don’t know, the big thing this world cup – other than the Vuvuzela horns – was the fact that in Germany, an octopus was making predictions on who would win the games as they were played. He predicted the outcome of all the German games and the world cup finale with 100% accuracy. The winners love him, and to the losers – well, he’s perfect for Octopus sushi.
WOW! #1 – Europe is the place to party! It’s awesome to see everyone so good natured and enthusiastic and sharing. I was rooting for Germany all the way – and was REALLY IRKED with the octopus for putting them 3rd (although, truly it IS better than 4th…;)
#2 – you’re braver/stronger than I for being out in 100+ weather, even under a tent. up here where “it’s too cool most of the time to bother building houses with A/C”, I’ve developed an unbearable desire to crawl out of my skin whenever it’s over 80 in the house. AUGH!