In the US, we’re pretty conservative. More so than most of the western world – and Utah, well, let’s not even discuss the conservativeness of the state whose predominant religion has people covered from knees to elbows by their undergarments (don’t even say the word sex!).
The thing with Berlin is that there is always something going on – especially in the Summer. Tonight is the start of the World Cup in South Africa (I went to a Bar with a couple of my classmates – Jamil who is South African, and Yan Li who is Chinese) to watch the opening match. Jamil is so happy and proud of his country for having the opportunity to host a world cup – he’s been bouncing off the walls for the last couple of days. It’s great, and I don’t blame him. It’s one of the most positive things in the news from Africa as a whole for many years.
Anyhow – On the way to the Bar, I saw the following poster (taken by the cell phone camera) which made me stop, take two steps back and think “Did I Read that Right?!?” and go back for a look to confirm “Yes, Yes, I did see that right.” The summary was a thought of the folks back home are NEVER going to believe this – because not only is Berlin so OUT of the BOX and comfortable with sexuality that they allow live Porn shows… – but it’s also LIVE GAY PORN show. Yes, Berlin is Out of the Box, and Out of the Closet.

The guys both chuckled at my pause to take a picture, but seriously, I think they understood why I had to do it. On a side note, this weekend is also the Christopher Street Parade (Gay Pride) and the school I attend is in the “gay district” where they’re having a huge street fair, thus the tent in the right hand corner.