
Not alot to blog about today. Just random stuff so if it’s a jumbled mess, my apologies.

1) Dog sitting…. I’m looking for someone to watch my pup in mid March. Anyone interested? I want to go to Italy between about the 12 or 13 of March (over my birthday which is the 16th) until about the 25th/26th. The thought is my birthday n Italy and Easter in vatican city. Yep – it’d be the required pilgrimage. If you’re interested, let me know.

2) What a good Daughter am I?!? I’m such a good daughter that my dad (who has no clue about technology) now has a new laptop with all the bells and whistles – that he truly doesn’t need. No, not really. This is the man who called me up to ask how to use a cell phone. Then called me up later to have me teach him how to use his digital camera (and later from the place to get them developed to figure out where to put the sd card in the machine). When I asked him if he wanted a laptop or a desktop, he said well, what’s the difference? *head in hands* This means that for the next 5 weeks, he’ll have a new toy, call me every day and bug me about how to use it. I’ll have the snot annoyed out of me, wonder why I ever did it, and feel like I should just take it, pack it up and send it back to Dell. Oh and on a side note – I’m such a good daughter that I used my once a year employee discount to get him not just a “good” computer – I got him a great computer – for 500 cheaper than what the computer stores and dell were quoting him. Go ahead and say it – really…. ~Rose, what were you thinking?!? Yeah.. ok. Thanks.

3) Crash landing at Heathrow airport. I saw footage of this on the news tonight. all 130 something passengers got out with 17 minor scrapes but no one was hospitalized. Ok seriously – if I have to be in a plane crash, this is the one I want to be in – the one where everyone lives, the crew does everything right to evacuate the plane, there’s no explosion – and well, you now have a fabulous story to tell to the kidlings. Guess the Devil’s dice game got lost that round – huh?

4)Cool Photo Op – There’s a protester in Rome who put about a half a million of those plastic bouncy balls (think the mcd’s playground balls) down the spanish steps in protest. Go read the article at:

and check out the pictures. It’s beautiful isn’t it? Gray cloudy sky, gray steps…. and brilliant rainbow colored balls bouncing their way down the steps. Gosh, I wish I was there with a camera!
