Ash Cloud – from “Joe”

Ash Cloud Eyjafjallajokull volcano
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04/17/2010 – 14:11 PM Iceland time – map of the ash cloud over Europe from the Eyjafjallajokull (nicknamed Joe) volcano eruption. This is the one with all the flight disruptions – notice – only 115 aircraft (the orange one is a Sesna) flying in the ENTIRE of Europe…. to say the least it’s…

Travel Chaos.

I’m still in Sunny, warm, (Day 7!!), High pressure Dublin, where I’ll be working remote temporarily (I hope) and maybe flying home on Wednesday (if the air clears up). That was the soonest flight I could get. Crazy!!

Otherwise, I’ve now decided to reply to the TV each time a Volcanologist is on the news with the hand thrown up and the words “Live Long and Prosper”. Why? because it’s funny. Why? Because I’m a Geek. Why? because only those who know and love Star Trek will get it, and respond with the same back. Mr. Spok, where are you?


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