Internet safety day

The Internet is a wonderful place – filled with information and ways to keep in touch. You can buy, you can sell, you can connect.

Today’s a special day – International Internet safety day.

In honor of the day, I think we all should watch this instructional music video.

And while you’re watching the video and learning about dodgy 80’s music with random videography, I would also suggest that you review the following internet safety tips (from me – in my years of working in the internet industry) because well, it’s always good to remind yourself once in a while:

a) There’s no such thing as “private” on the Internet. If you post it, it can be read, seen, and found – even years later. Keep this in mind because it’s like a “permanent” record – and can be used for/against you for the rest of your life. Remember this when posting to chat boards, blogs, facebook and other social networking sites. (No kidding. It’s not like the so-called permanent record we had in school.. this really is permanent. Ever seen Google’s cached pages or even tried looking up old pages on using the “wayback machine”? There’s stuff on there going back well.. forever.) Follow the general rule of “would I feel bad if my mom read what I just posted?” and/or “would I want to be treated like this?”. Type, read, re-read, and then THINK BEFORE YOU POST. (People have been fired for posting things about their job, about how they’re not sick but taking a sick day, etc…)

b) Never share your password with anyone. I know this seems obvious, but really, passwords should be private and not written down/carried around. They should also be something hard to guess and numbers/letters mixed. Never Ever use “password” as your password. My suggestion is to use a combination of numbers/letters that look like something you’ll remember. For example, MyCatLovesMe could become MyC4tL0v3sM3 – and be a really great password. This is because “A” looks like 4, “o” looks like “0”, E looks like a reversed “3” and so on. Otherwise, be careful when using special characters in a password. They may work with some programs / sign ins but not with others – it depends on how the password database is coded.

c) Don’t download / open attachments without scanning them with Anti-virus software- and NEVER EVER from someone / somplace you don’t know. Either of these is just asking for trouble. You wouldn’t pour sugar in your car’s gas tank – it’d ruin your car. It’s the same concept with your computer downloads.

d) If it looks like a fishy, and it smells fishy, it’s probabally “phishy”. This is a great philosophy. If you open an email and it’s asking for your details – or go to a site and they’re asking you to give them your credit card data – and you’ve no reason for being asked this – most likely, it’s someone’s attempt to “fish” (or phish) your information to use it maliciously. If you suspect that it’s not “for real” – it’s probabally best to not fill it out. Scams, ID Theft, and money loss could occur – and we all know in these times – it’s better to be safe than sorry. Most legit websites won’t ask for this type of information without you actually “asking” for something. Eg. If you go to the bank and open an account, they will ask for your info. If “a bank” sends you an email out of the blue asking for your data – even if it looks like your bank, it’s probabally “phishing”.

e) Know everyone on your buddy list. If you don’t – and are chatting randomly – Don’t meet up with people you don’t already know. It’s just good sense. There are bad people out there. You have to look out for yourself – and it’s easier to lie in “text” than it is face to face because you have no body signals to give away the lies. Be safe out there.

Otherwise, here’s a few other suggestions from Google – that are worth reviewing.

Google’s Internet Safety Tips

Now that you’re educated – and reminded – I hope you all feel a little better about doing my version of the “internet safety dance”.


Trying to get a New Apartment? Yeah Right.

Things I can tell you about moving to Germany and renting an apartment – now that I’ve done it… a comparison. Warning – complaint ahead – mostly due to cultural differences that maybe someone can clear up for why this is…..

*** First some background – in the USA, you only need to give 1 month of notice before moving, at most two. When you get your deposit back – they give it back within the month after you move – at most 3 months if you are getting it back. If not, they must provide you a letter for why they are keeping it. In Most states, the renter does not need to repaint, recarpet, or do any improvements to the apartment (in fact if you paint a different color wall – they will fine you!). There are no wires allowed to hang from the celings or anywhere else. Likewise, in the bathroom – a working toilet, bathing facilities and sink must be provided and in the kitchen, there must be a stove, refrigerator, and working sink. This is an “unfurnished apartment”. ***

In Germany….

a) You have to give 3 months notice before you move out. This has to be given by the 3rd or the 5th of the month before you move. This means if you hate the place, you’re stuck there for at least 3 months.

b) Unfurnished apartments have no lights (open wires from the celings), no kitchen (not even a sink, refrigerator, or stove), and the bathroom doesn’t have to have facilities for bathing – a sink and toilet are the only thing necessary.

c) You have to repaint the flat before you move – and maybe replace the carpets. At your own expense. The owner/landlord doesn’t expect that there is normal wear and tear on the place – or that they should have to do anything but collect your rent, do some paperwork, and just profit.

d) Don’t plan on getting your deposit back the month you move out either. Landlords here can hold your deposit – after you’ve moved – for 6 months to a 1 year after you’ve moved out.

e) If you do plan to move out – and find a new place – plan on 3 months rent (as a deposit) and your first month’s rent being how much you pay just to get in. In the case of a 600 Eur a month apartment, you have to come up with 2400 eur – just to move in…. that doesn’t count moving expenses (like renting a truck), repainting/ recarpeting the old apartment, or anything like that.

Ok folks, you’ve been warned. Welcome to Germany, you’ve found a flat, don’t ever move.
