November Fog

Morning Fog

When I woke up this morning, it felt like November. I don’t think I can really describe what November feels like, but I’ll try. To me, it’s blue light at dawn, cold icy fog, and blustry winds which make your cheeks turn pink and your body crave hot drinks. November is the leaves pouring off the trees in final effort to escape their masters, it’s the beginning crunchy chocolate mud puddles and of silver-white frost underfoot. November is the scent of chilled decaying dampness mixed with the intoxicating burning smoke from peat fires. It’s the need for hats, scarves, and warm woolen pullovers. It’s the first vision of the white cloud of your breath and the steam off the dog’s stream as he takes his morning walk. It’s November, and it’s a feeling that we’re just on the cusp of winter. Perhaps it’s best put into pictures…. as November is finally here.

Morning Fog

Somewhere in the picture above is a 7 storey building, that is 2 blocks away… Can you see it?

Morning Fog

Even the shopping mall is blurry in the fog and mist and blue light. It feels like depth perception as seen through a fish eye, but no, it’s just November.
